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Obchodní akademie a Střední odborná škola, gen. F. Fajtla, Louny, p.o. Osvoboditelů 380, Louny Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0052Číslo sady 03Číslo DUM 15 Předmět Anglický jazyk - konverzace Tematický okruh Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí – Great Britain, Australia Název materiálu Notices and signs Autor Ing. Helena Zikmundová Datum tvorby Duben 2013 Ročník třetí Anotace Prezentace věnující se porozumění reálných nápisů a cedulí ve Velké Británii Metodický pokyn 1. Vyzvěte žáky, aby rozhodli, co jednotlivé nápisy znamenají Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Ing. Helena Zikmundová Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785, financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozováno Výzkumným ústavem pedagogickým v Praze.
A sign at the bus stop says: a) If you want to use the bus, buy the ticket by calling the number b)If you send a message with the bus stop code, you will get the earliest possible several times of departure c)If you send the message with the bus stop code, the bus will arrive in 3 minutes Obr.1
A sign at the bus stop says: b) If you send a message with the bus stop code, you will get the earliest possible several times of departure Obr.1
A sign at a pub says: a) You are welcome to use the local toilet b)You are welcome to have a cup of tea c)You can use the local toilet if you are a customer of the pub Obr.2
A sign at a pub says: c) You can use the local toilet if you are a customer of the pub Obr.2
A sign in London Underground says: a) You can buy a ticket to Gatwick Airport here b) All London transport tickets are available at the office c) You have to buy a ticket here to use London Underground Obr.3
A sign in London Underground says: c) You have to buy a ticket here to use London Underground Obr.3
A sign at a restaurant says: a)You can enter with your children but without unfolded pushchairs b)You cannot enter with your dog because the staff are afraid of them c) You can enter with your children in the pushchairs Obr.4
A sign at a restaurant says: a) You can enter with your children but without unfolded pushchairs Obr.4
A sign at public toilets says: a)After using the toilet blue light switches on b)Exeter City Council apologize for using blue lightning c) blue lightning prevents toilets from anti-social behaviour Obr.5
A sign at public toilets says: c) blue lightning prevents toilets from anti-social behaviour Obr.5
A sign at a bar says: a)You have 2 glasses of wine free b)Buy 2 glasses of any wine and the rest of the bottle is free c) If you buy 2 glasses of specific wine, you will get the rest of the bottle free Obr.6
A sign at a bar says: c) If you buy 2 glasses of specific wine, you will get the rest of the bottle free Obr.6
A sign at the beach says: a)Call the number and you will be sponsored here b)If you want to have your firm logo seen here, sponsor this lifebuoy c)You can call Jo Bird to buy the lifebuoy Obr.7
A sign at the beach says: b) If you want to have your firm logo seen here, sponsor this lifebuoy Obr.7
A sign at the bus stop says: a)At the bus station only X buses stop b)If you want to get on the bus, you have to stop it raising your hand c)All passangers travelling to Exeter should buy ticket here Obr.8
A sign at the bus stop says: b) If you want to get on the bus, you have to stop it raising your hand Obr.8
A sign at a garden restaurant says: a)Enter the restaurant without children and dogs b)While having lunch your children can run with dogs around c)It is a really family restaurant if your dog is on a leash Obr.9
A sign at a garden restaurant says: c) It is a really family restaurant if your dog is on a leash Obr.9
This sign at the wall says: a)You can stop here only for the time while the others get off b)You cannot drop any rabbish here c) You can neither stop here nor park Obr. 10
This sign at the wall says: a) You can stop here only for the time while the others get off Obr. 10
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