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ZveřejnilVladislav Soukup
Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není- li uvedeno jinak, je Ing. Petra Andrlová Tento materiál byl vytvořen v rámci projektu Operačního programu Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost. Projekt MŠMT ČREU PENÍZE ŠKOLÁM Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.2146 Název projektu školyInovace ve vzdělávání na naší škole ZŠ Studánka Šablona III/2Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Sada č. XIII Identifikátor sady: VY_32_INOVACE_Sada XIII_AJ, DUM č.2 Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Název: Pink – her life and career Autor: Ing. Petra Andrlová Stručná anotace: Psaní a poslech – tvorba vět z daných bodů (lehčí a těžší varianta), doplnění slov do textu písně, porozumění textu, práce se slovy (protiklady) Metodické zhodnocení: Aktivita určená pro žáky šestých ročníků, pilotáž dne 23.4.2012 ve třídě 7.D
Pink – her life and career Try to make sentences from these points about Pink.
Pink – her life and career an American singer-songwriter, musician and actress Alecia Beth Moore – real name 8th, September 1979 be a teenager - lyrics - her feelings three Grammy Awards, five MTV Video Music Awards and two Brit Awards a motocrossracer Carey Hart -, first daughter organization Peta - against KFC several charities – UNICEF, World Society for the Protection of Animals
Pink – her life and career Pink is an American singer-songwriter, musician and actress Her real name is Alecia Beth Moore. She was born on 8th, September in 1979. When she was a teenager she wrote lyrics about her feelings. She received three Grammy Awards, five MTV Video Music Awards and two Brit Awards. She got married to a motocrossracer Carey Hart. They have their first daughter. She is a part of an organization Peta when she protests against KFC. She was a member of several charities such as UNICEF or World Society for the Protection of Animals.
Pink – her life and career Do you know anything else about this famous person Pink? childhood family activities songs albums tours nominations ……… If you know something else, you can continue in writing…
Pink – Dear Mr. President When don´t you know this popular song of Pink, listen to this song on Listen to the song without lyrics. Listen to the song for twice.
Pink – Dear Mr. President Try to complete the missing words. The missing words are: - than - can - come - people - questions
Pink – Dear Mr. President Dear Mr. President, … take a walk with me. Let´s pretend we´re just two … and you´re not better … me. I´d like to ask you some … if we … speak honestly.
Pink – Dear Mr. President Dear Mr. President, come take a walk with me. Let´s pretend we´re just two people and you´re not better than me. I´d like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly.
Pink – Dear Mr. President o What´s this part of the text about? Dear Mr. President, come take a walk with me. Let´s pretend we´re just two people and you´re not better than me. I´d like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly.
Pink – Dear Mr. President o What´s this part of the text about? o Does the singer want to talk to Mr. President? o Does she ask any questions? o Why does she ask any questions? o Does Mr. President understand her as an ordinary man?
Pink – Dear Mr. President o Pink wants to walk and talk to Mr. President o Yes, she does. o She wants to know something. o Yes, he does.
Pink – Dear Mr. President o Match the opposites come let take worse better unfair question leave honestly answer
Pink – Dear Mr. President o Match the opposites come let take worse better unfair question leave honestly answer
Citace [19.4.2012] Internetový zdroj [19.4.2012] Internetový zdroj [19.4.2012] Obrázky Klipart Microsoft, Wikipedia
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