Must / can´t + have Practising Expressing certainty in the past.

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1 Must / can´t + have Practising Expressing certainty in the past

2 Choose the correct option 1 It must / can’t have snowed all night. Everything is white. 2 I must / can´t have been asleep. I didn´t hear the phone. 3 My friend must / can’t have seen me. He passed me without saying a word. 4 Our neighbours must / can’t have gone. Their car wasn´t in front of their house 5 The exam must / can´t have been difficult. All candidates passed.

3 Results 1 It must have snowed all night. Everything is white. 2 I must have been asleep. I didn´t hear the phone. 3 My friend can’t have seen me. He passed me without saying a word. 4 Our neighbours must have gone. Their car wasn´t in front of their house 5 The exam can´t have been difficult. All candidates passed.

4 Translate To byl určitě včera Petr. Dobře jsem ho poznala. Ta bunda, kterou jsme včera našli v autobuse, určitě nebyla Tomova. On nenosí kožené bundy. Včera jsem určitě nechala učebnice ve škole. Nemůžu je nikde doma najít. Určitě jsem ti to dala. Pamatuji si to. To nemohlo být Jimovo auto. On nemá Ferrari. Brownovi jsou určitě zpátky doma. Slyším z jejich domu nějakou hudbu.

5 Results It must have been Peter yesterday. I could recognized him well. I must left my textbooks at school yesterday. I can´t fing them anywhere at home. The jacket that we found on the bus yesterday can´t be Tom´s. He doesn´t wear leather jackets. I must have givent it to you. I can remember it. It can´t have been Jim´s car. He doesn´t have Ferrari. The Browns must have been at home/in last night. I could hear some music (coming) from his house.

6 Zdroje Mluvnické okruhy Maturita Solutions Intermediate Archiv autora

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