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Prezentace na téma: "MINULÝ ČAS PROSTÝ – ZÁPOR, OTÁZKA"— Transkript prezentace:

říjen 2013 VY_32_INOVACE_AGJ_140217 MINULÝ ČAS PROSTÝ – ZÁPOR, OTÁZKA Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Bc. Martin Krčmař. Střední škola hotelnictví a služeb a Vyšší odborná škola, Opava, příspěvková organizace. Materiál byl vytvořen v rámci projektu OP VK 1.5 – EU peníze středním školám, registrační číslo CZ.1.07/1.5.00/

2 In a TV studio Quiz master: Jim, if you answer these three questions, you win 1000€! When did Neil Armstrong walk on the Moon? Jim: Was it in 1969? Quiz master: That´s right! Well done. Now the second question. The Spanish brought potatoes to Europe in 1500s. Which continent did potatoes come from? Jim: Did they come from America? Quiz master: Yes, they did! And your final question. What did Albert Nobel invent in 1867? Jim: Did he invent the telephone? Quiz master: No, he didn´t! Try again! Jim: Was it the telegraph? Quiz master: No, it wasn´t. He didn´t invent the telegraph. He invented the dynamite. I´m sorry Jim. obr. 1

3 In a TV studio Quiz master: Jim, if you answer these three questions, you win 1000€! When did Neil Armstrong walk on the Moon? Jim: Was it in 1969? Quiz master: That´s right! Well done. Now the second question. The Spanish brought potatoes to Europe in 1500s. Which continent did potatoes come from? Jim: Did they come from America? Quiz master: Yes, they did! And your final question. What did Albert Nobel invent in 1867? Jim: Did he invent the telephone? Quiz master: No, he didn´t! Try again! Jim: Was it the telegraph? Quiz master: No, it wasn´t. He didn´t invent the telegraph. He invented the dynamite. I´m sorry Jim. obr. 1

4 Minulý čas prostý V záporu a otázkách v minulém prostém čase používáme pomocné sloveso did. Infinitiv watch clean play do go have begin Kladná věta I watched You cleaned He played She did It went We had They began Zápor I watch You clean He did not play She (didn´t) do It go We have They begin Otázka I watch? you clean? he play? did she do? it go? we have? they begin?

5 Pravidla a příklady do/does (present) → did (past) Zápor Otázka
V záporu a otázkách v minulém prostém čase používáme pomocné sloveso did. do/does (present) → did (past) Zápor Otázka I don´t watch TV very often. Does she often go out? I didn´t watch TV yesterday. Did she go out last night? Pomocné sloveso did/didn´t používáme vždy s infinitivem plnovýznamového slovesa. I watched but I didn´t watch He went but Did he go?

6 Záporná věta – minulý čas prostý
Příklady I didn´t do my homework. He didn´t see me. They didn´t watch TV. She didn´t have dinner. I didn´t work We didn´t work You didn´t work You didn´t work He/She/It didn´t work They didn´t work Zápor v minulém prostém čase tvoříme s pomocným slovesem didn´t a 1. tvarem slovesa pro všechny osoby. Podmět + didn´t + 1. tvar slovesa + ostatní větné členy. Pořádek slov v záporné větě:

7 Doplňte věty záporným slovesem.
I saw Jenny but I didn´t see Tom. We worked on Friday but we _________on Saturday. They went to the shop but they ________ to the bank. She had a pencil but she ________ any paper. Josh did German at school but he ________ Russian. I bought some apples but I _________ any oranges. He ate his crisps but he ___________ his sandwich.

8 ŘEŠENÍ I saw Jenny but I didn´t see Tom.
We worked on Friday but we didn´t work on Saturday. They went to the shop but they didn´t go to the bank. She had a pencil but she didn´t have any paper. Josh did German at school but he didn´t do Russian. I bought some apples but I didn´t buy any oranges. He ate his crisps but he didn´t eat his sandwich.

9 Tázací věta – minulý čas prostý
Příklady Did you work yesterday? Did he work yesterday? Did you watch TV? Did they play volleyball? Did I work? Did we work? Did you work? Did you work? Did he/she/it work? Did they work? Otázku v minulém prostém čase tvoříme s pomocným slovesem did, následuje podmět a dále 1. tvar slovesa pro všechny osoby. Did + podmět + 1. tvar slovesa + ostatní větné členy …? Pořádek slov v tázací větě

10 Vytvořte otázky pomocí Did …?
I played football yesterday? And you? Did you play football yesterday? We enjoyed the party. And you? ___you_______________________? I had a good holiday? And you? _____________________________? My dad got up early. And you? ______________________________? I slept well last night. And you? ______________________________? We bought some magazines. And you? _______________________?

11 ŘEŠENÍ I played football yesterday? And you? Did you play football yesterday? We enjoyed the party. And you? Did you enjoy the party? I had a good holiday? And you? Did you have a good holiday? My dad got up early. And you? Did you get up early? I slept well last night. And you? Did you sleep well last night? We bought some magazines. And you? Did you buy any magazines?

12 Věta tázací – krátké odpovědi
V angličtině je běžné na otázku „ano/ne“ odpovídat tzv. krátkou odpovědí. Yes, I did./No, I didn't. Yes, we did./No, we didn´t. Yes, you did./No, you didn't. Yes, you did./No, you didn´t. Yes, he did./No, he didn´t. Yes, they did./No, they didn´t. Např. Did you watch TV last night? Yes, I did. Did you play chess yesterday? No, I didn't. Did they come last weekend? No, they didn't.

13 Úkol: Přeložte otázku a připište pravdivou krátkou odpověď.
Jedl jsi včera maso? → Ano, jedl./Ne, nejedl. Pila ráno tvoje máma kávu? Četl tvůj otec včera večer knihu? Začali tví kamarádi školu v 8 hodin? Sprchoval ses dnes ráno? Hrál tvůj děda karty? Vstal jsi o víkendu později? Chtěl jsi být doktorem, když jsi byl dítětem?

14 ŘEŠENÍ Did you eat meat yesterday? → Yes, I did./No, I didn´t.
Did you mother drink coffee in the morning? Did you father read a book last night? Did your friends start school at 8 o´clock? Did you have a shower this morning? Did your grandpa play cards? Did you get up later at the weekend? Did you want to be a doctor when you were a child?

15 Otázka s tázacím výrazem
Před pomocným slovesem did můžeme v otázce také použít tázací výraz, jako např. who, what, where, which, how, why nebo např. what time, how often apod. Tázací výraz + did + podmět + 1. tvar slovesa + ostatní větné členy …? Příklady: What did you like doing in your free time when you were a child? Who did you see? Where did Tom live in 1995? Which colour did they choose? When did you start? How did they travel to Britain? Why did she leave her job? What time did you finish school? What = co, jaký Who = kdo Where = kde, kam When = kdy Which = který How = jak, jakým způsobem Why = proč What time = v kolik hodin

16 Doplňte do kvízu vhodný tvar slovesa a vyberte odpověď.
fly invent take place invade write Which country____ NATO ________ in 2001? Kosovo b) Iraq c) Afghanistan What ____ Guglielmo Marconi ________ in 1895? a) the television b) the car c) the radio When _____ the Wright brothers first ______ their plane? 1873 b) c) 1922 Where_______ the Battle of Waterloo __________ in 1815? France b) England c) Belgium How many plays _______ Shakespeare _________? a) 17 b) 37 c) 57 obr. 1

17 fly invent take place invade write
ŘEŠENÍ fly invent take place invade write Which country _did_ NATO __invade__ in 2001? Kosovo b) Iraq c) Afghanistan What _did_ Guglielmo Marconi _invent__ in 1895? a) the television b) the car c) the radio When _did_ the Wright brothers first _fly_ their plane? 1873 b) c) 1922 Where __did__ the Battle of Waterloo ___take place__ in 1815? France b) England c) Belgium How many plays _did__ Shakespeare __write__? a) 17 b) 37 c) 57 obr. 1

18 POUŽITÁ LITERATURA MATURITA SOLUTIONS Elementary STUDENT´S BOOK. Oxford University Press, ISBN MURPHY, Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. London: Cambridge University Press, ISBN

19 CITACE ZDROJŮ obr.1: ISCHA1. TTQ-vlakvooropname2009.jpg [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Public Domain z:


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