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ZveřejnilJarmila Horáková
Tutorial: Engineering technology Topic: Acetylene-oxygen flame Prepared by : Ing. Josef Martinák st. Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
Flame temperature Burner nozzle Taper of acetylene-oxygen flame weldment Welding zone 2 to 4 mm highest temperature Aerial oxygen Flame casing 2nd Stage of combustion1st
Acetylene is mixed with oxygen in ratio 1:1 1st burning – acetylene burns in air ( flame casing) Welding zone from 2 to 4 mm –acetylene flame temperature is 3200°C, hydrogen 3300°C
Chart: colours and fitting threads to pressure bottles Gas typefittingbottlethread flammableflammable inflammableinflammable acetylene hydrogen oxygen nitrogen Carbon dioxide argon helium air Light brown red white black grey Dark green brown Light green White/yellow strip red blue green black grey fastening shackle left Inner Colour at pressure bottles is not normalised
Input fitting – oxygen bottles must be dry without oil Oxygen reacts with lubricants and oils explosively Gaseous bottles must be stored safely, they must be protected against shocks, overheating and frost Reduction valves must be unscrewed from pressure bottles when they are transported Protective hoods must be fit on inputs
Parts to clean and aligned Adjust thickness of welded parts We reach perfect welding Weld by border weld Welds by corner Weld by angle
Welding material
Welding surface Weld face Basic material Weld root Weld underside Transient area Basic material Penetration depth Welding material Weld d
Welding rod moves in front of burner Require lower skill demands on welders Usage for plates of thickness up to 4 mm, cast iron, copper, brass Weld is not protected perfectly It has lower mechanical qualities Leftward welding (until 3 mm) Without protection without protection burner Welding rot burner Leftward welding to 3 mm
Burner moves towards welding, welding rod follows it Flame protects molten pool against air input and quick cooling For welding of plates over 4 mm Weld has better mechanical qualities Rightward welding (over 4 mm) protection Welding rot Welding of weld rot burner Rightward welding (over 3 mm)
What purpose does reduction valve have? What are the main components of reduction valve? Explain ways if welding direction!
DILLINGER, Josef. A KOL. Moderní strojírenství pro školu i praxi. 1. Praha: Europa- Sobotáles, 2007. ISBN 978-80-86706-19-1. M. HLUCHÝ, J. KOLOUCH, R. PAŇÁK. Strojírenská technologie II FRISCHHERZ, Adolf, Paul SKOP a Jiří KŇOUREK. Technologie zpracování kovů 1. Praha: Wahlberg, 1993. ISBN 80-901657-2-9. Translation: JANATA, Petr. Handy slovník technický anglicko-český a česko-anglický. Plzeň: Nakladatelství Fraus, 2000. ISBN 80-7238-075-3 Lingea LEXIKON 5, Technický slovník anglicko-český a česko-anglický. 2010.
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