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ZveřejnilAnna Veselá
Obchodní akademie, Ostrava-Poruba, příspěvková organizace Vzdělávací materiál/DUM Businessland / Making Contracts 06B16 AutorLadislava Pechová Období vytvořeníLeden 2014 Ročník/věková kategorie3.r., 17-18 let Vyučovací předmět/klíčová slova Negotiating, rule, law, behaviour, gesture, concession, concede, exaggerate, disrespect, increase, reduce. Anotace V tomto výukovém materiálu se zabýváme problematikou uzavírání obchodních dohod. Uvádíme deset základních obecně přijímaných pravidel a dále příklady reakcí a jejich formulování do obchodního jazyka.
Making Conctracts
Making Contracts Making contracts may be pretty tough and difficult. Negotiating depends on business terms, your partner’s experience and your knowledge. It has its own rules and laws. If you want to master it, you should be good at psychology, notice every detail in behaviour and gestures.
TEN RULES FOR NEGOTIATING 1. Find out how many points are to be negotiated. 2. Start from the extreme position. 3. Assume the other person owes you a concession.
TEN RULES FOR NEGOTIATING 4. Never concede without exchange. 5. Never give what you can sell. 6. Exaggerate the value of your concessions, minimize the value of his.
TEN RULES FOR NEGOTIATING 7. If he insists on „principle“, expect a concession in return. 8. Only threaten what you are prepared to carry out. 9. Don’t show disrespect to your opponent.
TEN RULES FOR NEGOTIATING 10 If you are happy with the result, don’t shout „I have won!“
It is essential to use proper language You say: I am afraid that will not be possible. You think: What a ridiculous idea! Don’t be stupid
It is essential to use proper language You say: If you can increase the order, then we may be able to reduce the price. You think: I can reduce the price, no problem.
It is essential to use proper language You say: Half a per cent is a very small amount! You think: Another half per cent? That is a very generous offer!
It is essential to use proper language You say: Delivery? Well, it may be possible but only if… You think: Delivery? That is no problem, no extra charge.
It is essential to use proper language You say: I think we can agree on these terms … You think: You see? I knew I’d win!
Bibliography THORNE,T., LEES,G. English on Business. London, England: Chancerel Publishers Limited, 1985. ISBN 80-85333-00-7. s. 64 – 69.
The end of course No.16 Thank you for your attention. Ladislava Pechová
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