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ZveřejnilDominik Musil
Obchodní akademie a Střední odborná škola, gen. F. Fajtla, Louny, p.o. Osvoboditelů 380, Louny Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0644Číslo sady39Číslo DUM 16 PředmětCizojazyčná korespondence Tematický okruhVyprávění Název materiáluA narrative AutorMgr. Iris Kernerová Datum tvorbyProsinec 2013 Ročníkčtvrtý Anotace Jak zapsat delší slohový útvar požadovaný u státní maturity - vyprávění. Jeho charakteristika, struktura a jazykové prostředky. Metodický pokyn 1) Snímky 2-12 jsou určeny k seznámení s formou slohového útvaru „vyprávění“. 2) Snímky 14-15 jsou zadání slohové práce. Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Iris Kernerová. Dostupné z Metodického portálu ; ISSN 1802-4785. Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků (NÚV).
A narrative
What is a narrative? O O nce upon a time there was a kingdom with a brave king. His queen was very kind and beautiful… A real or a fictional story presented to a reader.
Parts of the narrative The title Introduction Main body Follow-up Conclusion Name of the story Setting the scene Description of the events What happened afterwards How do you feel about it
The title Should express what is the story about. Should attract the reader. Should be placed in the middle of the line. Should have capital letters in the beginning of each word, except for prepositions and articles. Where to put capital letters at the following titles? the best day ever lost in the dark The Best Day EverLost in the Dark
Introduction Sets the scene: where and when the story takes place (or did take place introduces the main characters should not be too long. Last summer I went with my best friend on holiday to Croatia by bus. It was the first time I travelled abroad without my parents.
Main body What happened? Put the event in a sequence (how they happened in the timeline). Try to create suspense (made the reader want to know the end of your story). Use short sentences connected with conjunctions: asbecausebutwhile even thoughthoughsince
Follow-up What happened next? If the story is long, divide the main body into more paragraphs. Follow-up is called the next paragraph(s).
Conclusion What happened in the end? Unravel the storyline. It is the right time for Surprise! Happy end! Disaster! How do you feel about it?
Time expressions and phrases to be used To start: (at) first, the first thing that happened, it began with, the story started with / as To build the sequence: after that, (just) then, when, later, next, a moment later, later on, after some time, afterwards To culminate: suddenly, gradualy, step by step, unexpectedly, surprisingly To end: in the end, finally, eventually, it ended with
Writing tips Use short sentences. Do not put too many details. Follow the timeline in your story. Use various grammar tenses: Past simple, Past Continuous, Present Simple Do not forget to use adjectives cute, fantastic, silly, smart, terrible, funny and adverbs well, absolutely, badly, fast, horribly, slowly
Writing tips How can you improve your narrative? With the use of Exclamatory sentences What a surprise! Questions Am I dreaming? Direct speech He came in and said: ‘What a great surprise!’
Your turn
Time for writing Tell us a story! Write a narrative of 120 – 150 words about a very enjoyable / unpleasant experience. It could be either real or imaginary. The Best / Worst Day of My Life A Great / Terrible Night Out The Best / Worst Holiday At first make notes.
Time for writing Tell us a story! At first make notes. Follow the plan. Paragraph 1 setting the scene (when, where, who) Paragraph 2 description of the events (what happened) Paragraph 3 description of the following events (what happened afterwards) Paragraph 4 conclusion (ending, your feelings)
Last check If you want to get a good mark, make sure you have written the title. divided visually the text into paragraphs. answered all the questions from the task. checked grammar, spelling and punctuation. written the text in legible (readable) handwriting.
The End
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