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ZveřejnilVeronika Králová
Complaints Centrum pro virtuální a moderní metody a formy vzdělávání na Obchodní akademii T.G. Masaryka, Kostelec nad Orlicí
What is a complaint? A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, especially by a customer or consumer. There are various reasons for making complaints. The following are among the most frequent: delay in delivery, defective packing, wrong quantity/quality/colour, faulty goods.
Unjustified complaints If you have to answer to an unjustified complaint, be polite and remember that anyone can make a mistake: Dear Sir, I strongly object to the extra charge of €9.00 which you have added to my statement. When I sent my cheque for €256.00 last week, I thought it cleared this balance. Now I find…
What is a complaint? Reply to an unjustified complaint: Dear Mr Axeby We received your letter today complaining of an extra charge of € 9.00 on your May statement. I think if you check the statement you will find that the amount due was €265.00 not €256.00 which accounts for the €9.00 difference. I have enclosed a copy of the statement and…
Making general complaints Complain as soon as you realize a mistake has been made. Opening phrases: Včera jsme obdrželi zásilku, kterou jsme objednali dne… We received your consigment of … yesterday which we have ordered on… Rádi bychom vám sdělili… We would like to inform you… Píšu ohledně problému… I‘m writing to complain about…
Making complaints Musíme vám bohužel sdělit, že vaše poslední zásilka nedopadla k naší spokojenosti. We are sorry to inform you that your last consigment has not turned out to our satisfaction. Nahraďte nám prosím poškozené zboží co nejdříve. Please send us replacement for the damaged goods as soon as possible. Dejte nám laskavě vědět, co hodláte v této záležitosti dělat. Please let us know what you intend to do in this matter.
Granting claims Posíláme vám … jako náhradu za zboží, o kterém se zmiňujete v dopise z… We are sending you … to replace the goods mentioned in your letter of… Omluvte prosím nepříjemnosti způsobené tímto přehlédnutím. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused by this oversight. Jsme ochotni škodu nahradit. We are willing to make up for the damage.
Closing phrases Doufáme, že zásilka vám dojde v naprostém pořádku… We hope that the shipment will reach you in perfect order… Ujišťujeme vás, že jsme učinili všechna nutná opatření, aby k podobným omylům příště nedocházelo. We assure you that all necessary precautions have been taken to eliminate similar errors in future. Jsme ochotni škodu nahradit. We are willing to make up for the damage.
Vocabulary complaintstížnost, reklamace complaint of / about ststěžovat si, reklamovat (co) claimreklamace, nárok, požadavek to make a complaintpodat stížnost to reject a complaintzamítnout stížnost defective packingpoškozené balení faulty goodsvadné zboží to put a matter rightnapravit záležitost to investigate/look into matterprověřit/přezkoumat záležitost explanationvysvětlení credit notedobropis debit notevrubopis deadline for a complaintreklamační lhůta make up for the damagenahradit škodu subject of a claimpředmět reklamace
Model letter Telefono+39 06 76910 Telefax+39 06 6815473 Peter Crane F. Lynch & Co. Ltd Newell Street Birmingham B3 3EL Dear Mr Crane, I received a consigment of dressing tables, Cat. No. DT154, to the above order yesterday. However, the delivery consisted of six heavy mahagony-finished dressing tables instead of the light pine-finished units I asked for. As I have firm orders for the design I asked for, I would be grateful if you could send my consigment as soon as possible, and collect the wrongly delivered goods. Thank you in advance. Yours Sincerely Daniele Causio Sales Director Satex S.p.A. Via di Pietra Papa, 00146 Roma
Použité prameny Ashley, A.: Oxford handbook of commercial correspondence, Oxford 2003 Anglická obchodní korespondence Milena Bočánková, Iva Hedvábná, Miroslav Kalina, Ekopress, 2004 Write It Right! Anglická obchodní korespondence, David Clarke, Dieter Wessels, Fraus 2009
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