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Soutěž DAF probíhá v Číně od roku 2006. „Those who contact with it are the smartest people in China. They are the future of China.“

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2 Soutěž DAF probíhá v Číně od roku 2006. „Those who contact with it are the smartest people in China. They are the future of China.“

3 tisk plakátů

4 Plakáty, které do soutěže poslali čínští studenti.

5 Beijing Tsinghua University

6 Shanghai Shanghai Jiaotong University

7 Guangzhou Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

8 Zhengzhou Zhengzhou University

9 DAF byl v Číně velmi úspěšný.

10 Více než 8,000 studentů se zaregistrovalo na oficiálních stránkách. Více než 4,000 plakátů bylo doručeno porotě. Porota vybrala 43 vítězných plakátů.

11 Soutěže trvala 8 měsíců. Probíhala ve 27 provinciích, 183 městech. Zapojilo se 248 univerzit.

12 800 plakátů propagujících DAF 2,000 zodpovězených telefonních dotazů 3,100 zodpovězených e-mailových dotazů 135,000 návštěvníků oficiálního webu

13 „We believe everybody is the winner.“

14 Porota vybírající nejlepší studentské práce

15 Zájem hlavních čínských médií

16 Články o DAF v časopisech

17 Články o DAF na čínských internetových stránkách

18 Oficiální stránka čínského DAF:

19 „DAF 2007, enter into China, enter into everyday life of college students in China.“

20 První místo Wang Yue ID : 021172825063 Shanghai University

21 Druhé místo Zhang Zhenbo ID : 021175480187 Central Unversity for Nationalities Coursetutor : Yin huili & Wang yulei

22 Třetí místo Wang Jinhai & He Zhiliang ID : 101173503330 GUANGDONG INDUSTRY TECHNICAL COLLEGE

23 Ai yu ID : 291175175030 Central academy of fine arts city design school Coursetutor : Zhangmiao

24 Hao Yong ID : 271175009919 Central academy of fine arts city design school Coursetutor : Jin Guicheng & Feng Ye

25 Huang Xing ID: 311175320350 South China Agricultural University

26 Lai fan ID : 011175408198 SCAU University Coursetutor : Xu xianhong

27 Tan Yongan ID: 291175172142 South China Agriculture University Coursetutor : Guohan

28 Zhang Kechun ID: 041167914065 SICHUAN ADMINISTRATION COLLEGE Coursetutor : Gu yueke

29 Zhao Tingting ID: 081170905742 Northeast University Coursetutor : Huo kai

30 Zhu Seathing ID:311167542613 DaLian Light Industory Of College

31 Xia Chunyuan ID:281175051277 Southwest Jiaotong University Coursetutor : Wan Xuan

32 „I hope more and more students can join in the team, not only college students, even the high school students, maybe they are too young, but they must love animals and want to protect them, just like us.“ Wang Yue DAF CHINA 2007 první místo Shanghai University

33 DAF CHINA 2007 druhé místo „An artwork won’t be perfect, but I paid all my attention to it, I felt happy and hardship in creating. I hope my work could infect people to love and give, to know the true beauteousness.“ Zhang Zhenbo Central University for Nationalities

34 Wang Jinhai & He Zhiliang Guangdong Industry Technical College DAF CHINA 2007 třetí místo „Fur is not necessary for people’s live, it is just a sign of some people’s vanity, we are animals too, why we build our happiness on other animals’ death?“

35 „The nature created so many beautiful and magic lives, it should not be destroyed by person’s greed. We college students are the leaders of the society in future, what we do will be what the world be, we have the duty to make it more wonderful. Thanks DAF to let me in the career of animal protection, I believe I will be the propagator and pursuer for it forever.“ Ai Yu DAF CHINA 2007 speciální ocenění poroty

36 „I gathered much information for my design, and I was deeply shocked by some of them. Since then I knew that what I do was not only a poster, but also a sacred career, I am duty bound to do my best and tell the truth.“ Hao Yong DAF CHINA 2007 speciální ocenění

37 „Many women want a fur coat, a shawl is ok too. Fur makers said: if you do not eat meat, you can attack us. The power of your computer caused injury to environment as well. But I really can not accept the killing for the unnecessary. The animals’ fur was given by Creator for living in cold, but now it became the reason they were killed. That is absurd! Let most people know the truth, the “faddish consumer” might not cleave to their choice.“ Liang Feiyu

38 „The ideas from the DAF made me benefit, I believe it will make our whole generation to know the truth of fur. I know it is difficult and needs a long period, but it is also a duty. We should assume it and fight for it.“ Zhao Tingting DAF CHINA 2007 speciální ocenění

39 DAF CHINA 2007 ocenění „I hope everyone will see the animals’ eyes before they buy a fur coat, their lives are not for people’s desires, they are part of the world!“ Bian Xiao

40 DAF CHINA 2007 ocenění „Maybe they gone before you know them, please do not let them go and then cry for it. don’t you feel a piece of sin When wearing a soft fur?“ Yang Guizheng

41 DAF CHINA 2007 ocenění „I am proud to be a winner of DAF CHINA 2007, the competition has direction to fur trade, and made big influence in China, it attracted college students to pay attentions to anti-fur and animal protection, then hope to do something for it. People should know that their consumption might cause slaughter, they should not be the start of it.“ Hu Chenwen

42 „The god favored people so much that they can push all their neighbors to the hell for their vanity. Fashion became killing, that is really difficult to be accepted. I hope everyone will know the essence of life, that is true fashion.“ Zhu Seathing DAF CHINA 2007 ocenění

43 DAF CHINA 2007 ocenění „Everyone should be self- conscious on anti-fur, and then make all their friends to know the truth about fur. Animals are our friends, let us love them!“ Sun Hongyu

44 DAF CHINA 2007 ocenění „My family is Buddhist, Buddha told me all lives are equal, not only people, but also people and animals. So I agree with the DAF with my heartfelt, and it is my pleasure to show my work and to do something for animals.“ Wang Liang

45 „I think it is necessary to protect animals, though the rules are made by people, it will be more or less good for making the world peace and develop.“ Gan Yuheng DAF CHINA 2007 ocenění

46 „People is animal too. People needs protection, so do animals. If a people child get injured, his parents will help him, but when an animal child was killing by people, its parents can not do anything. I know the power from one will not change anything, it needs all kind people to protect the innocent lives.“ Wu Bangchun DAF CHINA 2007 ocenění

47 DAF CHINA 2007 ocenění „Some people broke the ethic for their vanity, they should think about it: is a fur coat necessary? „ Wei Xiaoli

48 „Animals were created by the nature, they are same as people, so they should enjoy all the rights given by the nature.“ Liu Hui DAF CHINA 2007 ocenění

49 „When I was young, I was envious of fur wearers because they looked like noble men. Even I wished to be one of them. It was not until this year, I found the bloody truth of fur. A dream was broken made me somewhat depressed, but I will not agree the “fashion” so blind. Thanks DAF, hope you getting better and better!“ Ding Yanqiang

50 Huang Xing DAF CHINA 2007 speciální ocenění

51 Li Feng DAF CHINA 2007 speciální ocenění

52 DAF CHINA 2007 speciální ocenění Zheng Kun

53 DAF CHINA 2007 speciální ocenění Zhang kechun

54 DAF CHINA 2007 speciální ocenění Tan Yong’an

55 DAF CHINA 2007 ocenění Zhou Ding

56 DAF CHINA 2007 ocenění Li Xinyuan

57 DAF CHINA 2007 ocenění Liu Kailin

58 DAF CHINA 2007 ocenění Li Jing


60 Dotazníkové šetření - 2007 DAF CHINA Probíhalo ve dnech 19. 6. až 28. 6. 988 vyplněných dotazníků 43 dotazníků od vítězů bylo pro objektivitu vyloučeno.

61 Studenti rozdělení do skupin podle vzdělání postgraduate undergraduate junior college student (persons)

62 Hlavní důvody, proč se soutěže zúčastnili Bylo výhodné zúčastnit se Nebyl požadován žádný vstupní poplatek Zajímavé téma Abych si ověřil/a své schopnosti v konkurenci Šance dostat se do zahraničí Výhra

63 Jak často se soutěží zúčastňujete 您参加设计比赛活动的频率是 častěji 1/rok 1 za čas 1/měsíc

64 Chcete se zúčastnit podobné soutěže, až dokončíte školu? 毕业后您是否还愿意参与反对皮草设计活动 ? možná nene ano

65 Kde se nachází vaše škola? 你所在大学在中国的什么地理位置? Západní Čína Jižní Čína Střední Čína Severovýchodní Čína

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