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TIME EXPRESSIONS předložky časové
vypracovala: Mgr. Silvie Reitharová
Try to match the prepositions and the expressions
five o’clock the afternoon Saturday night April night the evening summer 1989 the twentieth century the morning Sunday winter half past six 2007 weekend Monday September Christmas Day Sunday morning at in IN, ON, AT on in at in in in in in in on on in in on at at on
IN IN + year ( in 1990, in 2005 ) + month ( in May, in December )
+ season of a year ( in spring, in summer) + centuries ( in the 20th century, in the 21st century ) + the morning + the afternoon + the evening
Narodil jsem se v roce 1990. I was born in 1990. Setkali se v červenci. They met in July. Večer se díváme na televizi. We watch television in the evening. Nejchladnější počasí je v lednu. The coldest weather is in January. Ernest Hemingway se narodil v 19. století Ernest Hemingway was born in the 19th century.
ON ON + days of a week ( on Monday, on Wednesday)
+ all expressions with a day ( on Easter Day, on Christmas Day, on Saturday night)
Se svými přáteli se setkáváme o Štědrém dnu. We meet our friends on Christmas Day. Ten kabát jsem koupila v pondělí. I bought the coat on Monday. V sobotu hráváme tenis On Saturdays we (usually) play tennis. V neděli večer často telefonuji se svou kamarádkou. On Sunday night(s) I often make calls with my friend.
AT AT + time ( at four o’clock, at quarter past six) + weekend + night
+ holidays – in plural( at Christmas, at Easters)
O víkendu navštěvujeme různá muzea a galerie. We visit different museums and galleries at weekend(s) Můj bratr vstává obvykle v půl sedmé. My brother usually gets up at half past six. Není zdvořilé volat v noci. It isn´t polite to call at night. Viděla jsem ten film o Vánocích. I saw the film at Christmas. Vrať se v pět. Come back at five.
Doplňte do vět správné předložky
They started building the house We met them Easter Day. She lost her bag Saturday night. My mother wasn´t born September. Her children want to come winter. Please close the window the evening. Don´t forget to post the letter Wednesday. The worst wars happened th century. She broke her leg holidays in Spain. THey called quarter to eleven. on in in in on in on in on at
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