Czech and Slovak Christmas and Christmas in European countries.

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2 Czech and Slovak Christmas and Christmas in European countries

3 Obsah projektu: studenti se seznámili s tradicemi oslav Vánoc v různých evropských zemích a porovnali je studenti uskutečnili průzkum v daných zemích, které tradice a zvyky udržují, především co se týká vánoční večeře a aktivit ve vánočních dnech

4 jazykem projektové komunikace byla angličtina

5 EnglandSweden When do they decorate the Christmas tree? at the beginning of Decemberon 23 December, the day before Christmas Eve Do children hang stockings to get small presents? yes What happens on 24 December? almost nothing, children hang their stockings on a fireplace a big day, light lunch – rice porridge with cinnamon, 3 o´clock – they all watch TV –Disney special, at about 5 o´clock - Christmas Dinner Santa comes in the evening bringing presents, opening presents What happens on 25 December? a big day, children get small presents in the morning in their stockings, at about 2 o´clock - Christmas Dinner, opening presents people go to morning mass very early, they enjoy the day dinner – turkey, lambsteak What happens on 26 December? people visit relatives What do they eat for Christmas Dinner? roast turkey with chestnut filling, gravy, mashed potatoes, green peas meatballs, herrings, salmon, ham, sausages, boiled potatoes, cheeses, pickles, bread Do they bake Christmas sweets? no, they have Christmas puddingyes, home-made chocolate, fudge and toffees, decorated gingerbread is a must



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