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ZveřejnilRudolf Malý
Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0028 Číslo materiáluVY_32_INOVACE_178 Název školyGymnázium, Tachov, Pionýrská 1370 Autor Mgr. Eleonora Klasová Předmět Anglický jazyk Ročník 4.4. Datum vytvoření29. 5. 2014 Anotace Výklad nové látky - I wish, If only - prezentace Metodický pokynprezentace je určena jako výklad do hodiny i jako materiál k samostudiu Pokud není uvedeno jinak, použitý materiál je z vlastních zdrojů autora. Výukový materiál zpracován v rámci projektu EU peníze školám
I wish, If only The expressions I wish, If only work in the same way. How to use them: We use them in the situation that refers to the present or future and we talk about a situation that we are not happy about and we would like to change. We use the past tense after I wish = = I wish I could speak French.
I wish you were here. But the meaning is present, not past. e.g. I wish I knew Paul´s phone number. / I don´t know it and I regret this./ Do you ever wish you could ride a horse? /you can´t ride a horse./ There are so many people here. I wish there weren´t so many people. I wish it were Sunday.
Note: In case of the verb TO BE we use plural in the1 st person and the 3 rd person singular. I wish I were on holiday. He wishes he were there with us.
We use them in the situation that refers to the past and we are expressing a regret. In this case we use the past perfect after I wish /or If only/. I didn’t pass the exam. I wish I had studied harder. I went on holiday and the weather was terrible. I wish it hadn’t rained all the time. She divorced last year. She wishes she had never met her exhusband.
There is also one possibility when you can use WOULD after wish = when you are irritated by something and you would like to express your annoyance. I wish the situation would change. If only the teacher wouldn’t give us so much homework. I wish you would listen to me.
Imagine that you are in these situations. For each situation write a sentence with I wish: 1/ You have eaten too much and now you feel sick. 2/ You have bought a new coat. Now you think it doesn’t suit you. 3/ You swam too far from the shore. Now you are too tired. 4/ You have painted your room. Now you think it is too dark.
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