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ZveřejnilBeáta Kovářová
Digitální výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci projektu „EU peníze školám“ Projekt:CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0386 „SŠHL Frýdlant.moderní školy“ Škola:Střední škola hospodářská a lesnická, Frýdlant Bělíkova 1387, příspěvková organizace Šablona:III/2 Sada:VY_32_INOVACE_AJ.3.0 7 Holidays and Celebrations Vytvořeno:30. 11. 2013 Ověřeno: 6. 12. 2013 Třída:SČ3
Traditions and celebrations in English-speaking countries Vzdělávací oblast:Cizí jazyk Předmět:Anglický jazyk Ročník:3. Autor:Ing. Jana Červená Časový rozsah:1 vyučovací hodina Pomůcky: Klíčová slova:celebrate, traditional, Halloween, Thanksgiving Anotace: Materiál je určen k uvedení do problematiky tradic a svátků v anglicky mluvících zemích.
Thinking map Think of the celebrations in your country, what are customs, habbits, modern day celebrations, public holiday s. Can you think of the difference between them? What celebrations we did not have in the past and we have now? And what celebrations we had in the past but do not have now?
Halloween is celebrated every year on October 31st. This day is „‘All Hallows Eve“ in the Catholic calendar, and Halloween is a derivation of this name. The origins of Halloween go back to the 5th century BC in Celtic Ireland, when summer officially ended on October 31st. On that day, spirits of the dead were believed to come back to earth, looking for living bodies to possess for the following year. People were afraid of these spirits, so they dressed up in scary costumes to frighten them away. The Romans adopted these Celtic customs. Over time, pe o ple stopped believing in evil spirits, but kept up the Halloween rituals. Halloween was brought to America by Irish immigrants in the 1840´s. Today Halloween is more extensively celebrated in the USA than in Britain.
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Thanksgiving Today´s Thanksgiving celebrations in America probably have their origins in the 17th century. In the autumn of 1621, the Pilgrims held a feast to celebrate the harvest after their first winter in America. Two years later, in the summer of 1623, they suffered a drought. Their leaders ordered them to spend a day praying and fasting. When the rain came soon after, the Pilgrims gave a second Thanksgiving celebration. The characteristics of this celebration – feasting, family reunions and prayer can still be seen in today´s Thanksgiving festivities, which are held every year on the fourth Thursday in November. It is traditional for families to gather together for a big meal – usually turkey, vegetables and sweet potatoes, with some kind of fruit pie for dessert. Thanksgiving is not celebrated in Britain.
Easter Although it´s now associated with Christianity, Easter was originally a pagean festival – the ancient Saxons celebrated the return of spring and honoured Easter, their goddess of springtime. In the second century, Christian missionaries converted the Saxons to Christianity. Since the festival of Easter took place at the same time of year as Christians celebrated the resurrection of Christ, the original Easter festival was altered to become a Christian celebration. The date of Easter changes every year – it´s supposed to také place on the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox. The Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs are traditional symbols of Easter – the bunny because the rabbit was the earthly symbol of the goddess Easter for the ancient Saxons, and the egg because exchanging eggs in the springtime was a custom for many years even before Christians first celebrated Easter. Nowadays, Easter is highly commer c ialised – the bunnies and the eggs tend to be made of chocolate!
Easter Look at the picture and talk about the habbits in your area.
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