Structure of an argument Simona Trávníčková. 5 minute presentation No aim No structure No first phrases.

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Prezentace na téma: "Structure of an argument Simona Trávníčková. 5 minute presentation No aim No structure No first phrases."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Structure of an argument Simona Trávníčková

2 5 minute presentation No aim No structure No first phrases

3 DEFINITION OF AN ARGUMENT Conclusion (C) is supported by the premises (P)

4 ARGUMENT should be logically strong must have true premises several premises support a conclusion

5 STRUCTURE OF ARGUMENT Claim - Conclusions whose merit must be established Data - The facts we appeal to as a foundation for the claim. Warrant - The statement authorizing our movement from the data to the claim.

6 EXAMPLE of an argument P1: My client was in Ottawa 10 minutes before the murder was committed. P2: The murder was comitted in Toronto. P3: My client is the murderer.

7 CONCLUSION C: My client must have travelled from Ottawa to Toronto in 10 minutes. Conclusion is a nonsense One of the premises must be false

8 Structure of an argument Premises (statements) Logical operation Conclusion

9 Děkuji za pozornost Tento studijní materiál byl vytvořen jako výstup z projektu č. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0198 9 Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

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