All About Friends

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1 All About Friends

2 Are you OK? I hope so! We are going to...... look at some words.... help you.... learn Spanish.... be your friends. We have a special saying, that goes: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

3 Hi there, Bud! Give me a big hug, Buddy! I‘ve missed you, Mate! We used to be schoolmates. You‘re my best Pal! Your English is getting good, due to my videos. I came late due to an accident. I really do hope...

4 EnglishSpanish I don‘t speak Spanish. Yes No Please Help!

5 EnglishSpanish I don‘t speak Spanish.No hablo español. YesSi No PleasePor favor Help!Ayuda!

6 EnglishČesky Ona je moje přítelkyně. On je její přítel. Byli jsme spolužáci. Přišel jsem pozdě kvůli nehodě. Stýská se mi po mé sestře. Ta dívka se mi líbí. Ona ho miluje. Their English is getting better. I have missed you.

7 Why is friendship important? Do you think it is easy to make friends? Who is your best friend? Why?

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