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Prezentace na téma: "VY_32_INOVACE_16_TO BE PREZENTACE"— Transkript prezentace:

Anotace: Prezentace sloužící k výkladu a procvičení časování slovesa to be, tvoření otázek a záporu Autor: Mgr. Jana Hrbková Jazyk: English Očekávaný výstup: Porozumí časování slovesa to be, doplní chybějící tvary, utvoří otázku Speciální vzdělávací potřeby :žádné Klíčová slova: to be-long forms – short forms - negative-questions Druh učebního materiálu: prezentace Druh interaktivity: výklad + aktivita Cílová skupina: pupil Stupeň a typ vzdělávání: primary education Typická věková skupina: 5th class, 10 – 12 years old Zdroj: Vlastní a galerie Microsoft office

2 To be Mgr. Jana Hrbková

3 To be – long forms I am We are You are You are He is She is It is
They are

4 Complete the long forms
I ……… You ……… He …… She …… It …… We ……… You …….. They …….

5 To be – short forms I´ m You´ re He´ s She ´s It´ s We´ re You´ re
They´ re

6 Complete the short forms
I ……. You He …….. She ……… It …….. We ……. You ……. They …….

7 The negative I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not
We are not You are not The are not

8 Is not = isn´t Are not = aren´t
Negative - short forms Is not = isn´t Are not = aren´t

9 The question You are in the garden. Are you in the garden?
Peter is at school. Is Peter at school?

10 Make a questions You are on the phone. She is in the house.
They are at work It is green. You are a good player. Bud is a dog. Peter and Lucy are in London. Are you on the phone? Is she in the house? Are they at work? Is it green? Are you a good player? Is Bud a dog? Are Peter and Lucy in the garden?

11 The end

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