Around London in 15 minutes Autor: Mgr. Zdenka Mléčková

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1 Around London in 15 minutes Autor: Mgr. Zdenka Mléčková
Určeno pro 5. ročník ZŠ Autor: Mgr. Zdenka Mléčková

2 Contents What´s typical for London? The Tower of London Tower Bridge
River Thames St Paul´s Cathedral St James´s Park Buckingham Palace Piccadilly Circus Trafalgar Square with Nelson´s Column The Houses of Parliament Vocabulary Anagrams Key of anagrams Sources

3 What´s typical for London?

4 This is the Tower of London. It was a prison and treasury of jewels.
"I am a Raven of the Tower of London, property of Queen Victoria of England. As I stand or fall, so does the Empire." 

5 Tower Bridge Tower Bridge is one of London´s symbols. The bascules are fully raised in just 90 seconds to allow ships sail through.

6 Let´s walk down the river Thames!
In this picture of the River Thames in London, you can see the Palace of Westminster and Big Ben at the bottom.  In the middle of the picture is the London Eye.

7 St Paul´s Cathedral Architect of this dome is sir Christopher Wren. This building is 400 years old.

8 Don´t you want to have a rest in St James´s Park?

9 Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is the official London home of The Queen and was built for John, first Duke of Buckingham, in 1702.

10 Piccadilly Circus

11 Trafalgar Square with Nelson´s Column
Trafalgar Square is one of London´s great meeting places. It is a monument of British naval power. It commemorates Nelson´s victory over Napoleon in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

12 The Houses of Parliament
The heart of Britain´s power is based in the Houses of Parliament. The Clock Tower contains Big Ben – 13,5 tonne bell.

13 Vocabulary Tower = věž Prison = vězení Treasury = pokladnice
Jewels = šperky, klenoty Property = majetek Was = byl (minulý čas slovesa být) Armoury = armáda Raven = havran Bascules = ramena mostu Raised = zdvižený Sail = plout Dome = dóm, katedrála Sir = sir – šlechtický titul First = první Duke = vévoda Naval = námořní Power = síla Commemorate = připomínat Battle = bitva is based in = má základ v Contain = obsahuje

14 Anagrams EAVRN = _ _ _ _ _ EQUEN = _ _ _ _ _
AELAPC INHMBUCGKA = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GBI NBE = _ _ _ _ _ _ CDLYPIAIL CSIRUC = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


16 Sources Naden, Gavan. – Riddington, Max. In & around London. Andover: Pitkin Publishing, ISBN Atom. Read-A-Thon: A Mouse, A Cat and Charles Dickens Walk Into a Pub. In The World of Peachtree Publishers. © 2010 cit . Dostupné na URL: < River Thames Picture © 2011 cit . Dostupné na URL: < >. Tower Bridge © 2011 cit . Dostupné na URL: < Anglie © 2011 cit . Dostupné na URL: <

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