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Present Tenses.

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1 Present Tenses

2 Present Simple: ve třetí osobě j. č
Present Simple: ve třetí osobě j.č. se přidává -s / -es, v ostatních osobách zůstává sloveso ve svém základním tvaru I you he she goes / does / writes / sings / hurries / plays it we you go / do / write / sing / hurry / play they otázky a krátké odpovědi se tvoří pomocí pomocného slovesa DO, DON´T Do you go to school? – Yes, I do. / No, I don´t. Does she sing well? – Yes, she does. / No, she doesn´t. Do they play tennis? – Yes, they do. / No, they don´t. zápor: He doesn´t go to work. We don´t go school. go / do / write / sing / hurry / play

3 Present Continuous: složený slovesný tvar, skládá se z příslušného tvaru slovesa to be a slovesa zakončeného příponou –ing I am You are He is She is reading a book at the moment. It is We are They are otázky se tvoří převrácením slovosledu: Is he reading a book? Are they reading a book?

4 Present tense contrast

5 Present Simple - usage:
when we speak about situations / states that are true at the present time or usually true (permanent)‏ She works in an office. We visit our friends every weekend. when we speak about schedules, timetables etc. The train arrives at half past two. Our plane takes off at midnight. with adverbs of frequency (always, never, often, sometimes etc.)‏ I always get up at 6 a.m. when we speak about habitual and repeated actions / events It rains a lot here. when we speak about facts that are always true The sun rises in the east. 5

6 Present Continuous - usage
for situations / states that are true for a limited period (temporary)‏ I’m living in Hamburg at the moment. He is working on an international project this month. for actions in progress at the moment of speaking Oh no! It’s raining again! Hi, what are you doing? – I’m cooking the dinner. for situations / states that are changing Our summers are getting hotter. The population is increasing. with always, to show that st happens often and is surprising or annoying I’m always losing my keys!

7 State verbs verbs that describe states (popisují stavy = „stavová“)‏
are not usually used in the continuous form there are several groups of state verbs mental / thinking verbs : agree, believe, know, remember, think, understand, forget attitude verbs : hate, like, love, need, prefer, want, wish sense / perception verbs : hear, see, smell, taste appearance, qualities : appear, look (seem), seem, sound being, possession : be, belong, contain, have, own other : cost, fit, mean, owe,

8 Examples: I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Your job sounds really interesting. He owes me £200. Does this car belong to you? I don’t agree with you. The soup tastes awful! Sophie thinks I watch too much television. Excuse me, how much do these DVDs cost? I know him quite well. Paul loves Jane. He has two brothers.

9 POZOR – jako všude, i zde existují výjimky a ty se musíme naučit (neexistuje pravidlo či logická souvislost)‏ Some of the state verbs can be used in the continuous form when they describe actions. They include: have see smell taste think look

10 HAVE Pokud má sloveso HAVE význam „vlastnit“, v používá se pouze v prostém tvaru I have a new car. She has two brothers. Pokud má sloveso HAVE význam jiný, používá se i v průběhových tvarech. Většinou se jedná o ustálená slovní spojení, jako např.: She is having a shower. They aren’t here now, they’re having lunch. (also: have a bath, have breakfast, have dinner)‏

11 THINK ve významu „myslet, domnívat se, věřit, být přesvědčen“ netvoří průběhové tvary. I think you are right. I think it will be better if you help him. ve významu „uvažovat, přemýšlet o, zvažovat něco“ se sloveso používá i v průběhovém tvaru She is thinking about changing the job. – Uvažuje o tom, že změní práci. I´m thinking about it. – Přemýšlím (uvažuji) o tom.

12 SEE ve významu „rozumět, chápat“ se používá v prostém tvaru
I see what you mean. Do you see what he means? b) ve významu „setkat se“ se používá v průběhovém tvaru. Většinou odkazuje do budoucnosti. I’m seeing Tom tomorrow. – Zítra se uvidím s Tomem.

13 SMELL ve významu „vonět, páchnout“ se používá v prostém tvaru
This flower smells nice. I love this shampoo. It smells of coconuts. These apples smell awful. Don’t eat them and throw them away. ve významu „čichat, přivonět“ lze použít i průběhový tvar What are you doing? – I’m smelling this flower.

14 TASTE ve významu „chutnat, mít chuť jako“ se používá pouze v prostém tvaru I like the meal. It really tastes delicious. This soup tastes awful. ve významu „ochutnávat, ochutnat“ se používají i průběhové tvary Don’t worry, I’m not eating all the youghurt. I’m just tasting it to see if it’s still OK.

15 LOOK ve významu „vypadat jako“ se používá pouze v prostých tvarech
She looks nice. He looks very worried. What happened? You look tired. ve významu „dívat se“ se používají tvary průběhové I’m looking at the photos from your holiday. podobně význam „hledat“ I’m looking for a book about Inca’s history. Can you help me? stejně tak význam „starat se o“ She is looking after her sister’s children because her sister had to go to the doctor’s. POZOR: bez změny významu lze říct You look tired. ale také You are looking tired.

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