A Dog‘s Life in Winter Prague

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1 A Dog‘s Life in Winter Prague
Writer: Pavla Skálová

2 Pavla Skálová was born in Lesser Town, in Prague
got Golden Ribbon 2004 A Dog‘s Life in Spring Prague

3 Main characters Pozn. Obr .: mops Fanny – pug girl – well-behaved, of noble origin, adventurous Ginny – pug girl - curious, naughty, energetic She – woman - nice, clever Flake – pussycat – proud, vain, homy Marten – marten – observant, nice, clever Pozn. Obr .: Martena

4 Contents Fanny‘s childhood Ginny‘s approach
Important message from Marten New Year‘s Eve Christmas Birthday and emergency mission

5 Fanny‘s childhood Beautiful life with He Illness Doctor Doctor‘s idea
New friend

6 Ginny‘s approach Naughty puppy Chewing things, damaging things
Stealing food from everywhere

7 Important message from Marten
A letter with a warning Thieves are planning to rob the house Ginny and Fanny barked and saved them all Sweet reward

8 Christmas Visitors are coming Naughty Bilbo Flake‘s solution

9 Czech language To, že už bude brzy jaro, se pozná taky podle toho, že do budky, která je na starém stromě na náplavce, přiletí špaček a hbitě si tam nosí stelivo na hnízdo, aby měla jeho manželka, paní špačková, kam snést vajíčka a kde vysedět malé špačky. I do hnízda, které je u nás v domě v průjezdu, se brzy vrátí jiřičky. That the spring is coming is also clear from the fact that starlings suddenly move into a box hanging on an old tree on the bank and they deftly bring twigs and grass for a nest so that Mrs. Starling can have somewhere to lay eggs and hatch out little starling. Finally, swallows soon come back into their nest in our gate.

10 I like this book very much, because the pictures are so nice and it‘s interesting to hear the story from the other side. What is a normal, curious dog thinking about ??? This book commemorates me my childhood, when my mum used to read it for me and my sister, too. We were little – about 5 years old.

11 Thank you for your attention.
Vendula Sedláková Gymnázium dr. A. Hrdličky Humpolec Czech Republic Thank you for your attention.

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