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ZveřejnilNicol Vlčková
Halloween 2 1. slovní zásoba Halloween – opak., kontrola podle obr. (PPT) 2. tvoření věty oznamovací a otázky s danými slovy 3. říkanka Jack-O-Lantern, doplňování (PPT) 4. učeb. 15/4 – práce s textem, nácvik rozhovoru 5. frázová slovesa (PPT) 6. PS 15/5 – fráz. slovesa, kontrola (PPT) 7. Colours of Halloween - namaluj obrázek
Write as many words as you
remember to the topic Halloween : 2. Use these words – write one sentence and one question.
Do you remeber them all ? skeleton broom bone witch costume ghost lantern pumpkin bat spider candy web kostra koště kost čarodějnice kostým duch lucerna dýně netopýr pavouk sladkost pavučina
Jack-o-lantern, Jack-o-lantern, You are such a ----- sight.
Fill in the gaps ! Jack-o-Lantern Jack-o-lantern, Jack-o-lantern, You are such a sight. As you sit there by the , Looking out ---- the night. You were once a sturdy , growing on a curly vine. Now you are a , See your night shine.
Jack-o-lantern, Jack-o-lantern, You are such a funny sight.
Check your partner´s work ! Jack-o-Lantern Jack-o-lantern, Jack-o-lantern, You are such a funny sight. As you sit there by the window, Looking out into the night. You were once a sturdy pumpkin, growing on a curly vine. Now you are a Jack-o-lantern, See your night lights shine.
Why are they putting on their masks ? How do they get to school ?
Look at the page 15/4 – skim the text, answer the questions : What time is it ? What´s the boy´s name ? Why are they putting on their masks ? How do they get to school ? What did John forget ? What does Amy need ? What does Meg need ? Who is the ghost ? Who is the skeleton ?
1.make up 1.svléknout si 2.také off 2.zavázat si 3.tie up
Match the words : 1.make up 2.také off 3.tie up 4.put on up 6.cut out 7.button up 8.switch on 9.switch off 1.svléknout si 2.zavázat si 3.zapnout přístroj 4.obléknout si 5.vypnout přístroj 6.zapnout zip 7.vystřihnout 8.nalíčit se 9.zapnout knoflík
make up nalíčit se také off svléknout si tie up zavázat si put on
Check your answers : make up také off tie up put on zip up cut out button up switch on switch off nalíčit se svléknout si zavázat si obléknout si zapnout zip vystřihnout zapnout knoflík zapnout přístroj vypnout přístroj
Black, orange, white and green these are the colours of Halloween !
Draw a picture : Black cat, orange pumpkin, white ghost, green-eyed monster, witch´s hat. Black, orange, white and green these are the colours of Halloween !
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