Zvratná a zdůrazňovací zájmena

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1 Zvratná a zdůrazňovací zájmena
Odpovídají českému se, si, sobě, sebe

2 I – myself You – yourself He – himself She – herself It – Itself
We – ourselves You – yourselves They – themselves Tvoří se pomocí: – self (j. č.) – selves (m. č.)

3 He cleaned the floor himself.
He washed himself. Umyl se (sám sebe). He cleaned the floor himself. Uklidil tu podlahu (sám).

4 myself herself itself O sobě: Řeknu Vám něco o sobě.
I will tell you something about ____________. Řekla mi všechno o sobě. She told me everything about ____________. Ta informace sama o sobě neříká nic nového. The information___________ doesn´t say anything new. myself herself itself

5 yourself herself himself herself Please, make ________ comfortable.
She made the coffee ________. himself He did the work________. herself She saw________ in the mirror.

6 By….self Chceme-li zdůraznit, že si někdo něco udělal sám bez pomoci.
I went alone – I went by myself. No one helped you. You did it by yourself. She went to the opera by herself. Ale někdy – by vypouštíme. He wrote the test himself. I did all the work myself.

7 Ona to přinesla sama. To se rozbilo samo. Mluv o sobě. Musíte to udělat sami. Věřím si. Řídili jsme to auto sami. Letělo to samo. Zranil jsem se. Napsal jsem ten dopis sám. Šla do kina sama.

8 She brought it (by) herself.
It broke itself. Speak about yourself. You must do it yourselves. I trust myself. We drove the car (by) ourselves. It flew itself. I hurt myself. I wrote the letter myself. She went to the cinema by herself.

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