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Zvratná a zdůrazňovací zájmena
Odpovídají českému se, si, sobě, sebe
I – myself You – yourself He – himself She – herself It – Itself
We – ourselves You – yourselves They – themselves Tvoří se pomocí: – self (j. č.) – selves (m. č.)
He cleaned the floor himself.
He washed himself. Umyl se (sám sebe). He cleaned the floor himself. Uklidil tu podlahu (sám).
myself herself itself O sobě: Řeknu Vám něco o sobě.
I will tell you something about ____________. Řekla mi všechno o sobě. She told me everything about ____________. Ta informace sama o sobě neříká nic nového. The information___________ doesn´t say anything new. myself herself itself
yourself herself himself herself Please, make ________ comfortable.
She made the coffee ________. himself He did the work________. herself She saw________ in the mirror.
By….self Chceme-li zdůraznit, že si někdo něco udělal sám bez pomoci.
I went alone – I went by myself. No one helped you. You did it by yourself. She went to the opera by herself. Ale někdy – by vypouštíme. He wrote the test himself. I did all the work myself.
Ona to přinesla sama. To se rozbilo samo. Mluv o sobě. Musíte to udělat sami. Věřím si. Řídili jsme to auto sami. Letělo to samo. Zranil jsem se. Napsal jsem ten dopis sám. Šla do kina sama.
She brought it (by) herself.
It broke itself. Speak about yourself. You must do it yourselves. I trust myself. We drove the car (by) ourselves. It flew itself. I hurt myself. I wrote the letter myself. She went to the cinema by herself.
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