VY_22_INOVACE_22.AJ.7 V OBCHODĚ (Shops) Ročník: 7. Vzdělávací oblast:

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1 VY_22_INOVACE_22.AJ.7 V OBCHODĚ (Shops) Ročník: 7. Vzdělávací oblast:
Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Cizí jazyk (Anglický jazyk) Tematický okruh: Slovní zásoba Téma: V obchodě (Shops) Jméno autora: Lenka Voldánová Vytvořeno : Listopad 2011 Metodický popis, (anotace): Žáci si rozšíří slovní zásobu v oblasti nakupování, naučí se pojmenovat jednotlivé druhy obchodů, nové znalosti prakticky konverzačně procvičí.


3 Look at this shopping list and say, in which shops in a shopping centre you are going to do the shopping. Shopping list soap doll flowers for granny slippers oranges sausages bread eggs newspaper earrings trousers pencils painkiller

4 Shopping list soap chemist's doll toys flowers for granny florist slippers shoe shop oranges greengrocery sausages butchery bread bakery eggs grocery newspaper newsagent earrings jewellery trousers clothes shop pencils stationery painkiller pharmacy

5 Make pairs and prepare a telephone dialogue
Make pairs and prepare a telephone dialogue. Imagine you are talking about that you want to do some shopping. Say, to which shops you have to go and what you are going to buy there. Following phone call can help you. Read and translate it.

6 Jane:. Hello, Lucy. Lucy:. Hi, Jane. J:. What are you doing. L:
Jane: Hello, Lucy. Lucy: Hi, Jane. J: What are you doing? L: Nothing interesting. Do you want to come round? J: No, thanks. I must do some shopping. L: What do you need? J: I need some flowers for my mum, she´s got her birthday party today. Then I need some tomatoes, bread, ham, and some party cups and plates. L: So, we have to go to the florist, greengrocery, bakery, butchery and stationary. J: Yes, we do. Let´s meet next to the post office in ten minutes. L: Ok, bye. J: Bye.

7 Použité odkazy http://www. ournewhaven. org
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