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ZŠ Týnec nad Labem AUTOR: Alena Darebná

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Prezentace na téma: "ZŠ Týnec nad Labem AUTOR: Alena Darebná"— Transkript prezentace:

1 ZŠ Týnec nad Labem AUTOR: Alena Darebná VY_32_INOVACE_18_ANGLIČTINA 5.ROČNÍK_FREE TIME ACTIVITY Téma: FREE TIME ACTIVITY Vytvořeno: březen 2012 CZ.1.07/1.4.00/

Možno použít na výklad a procvičení volnočasových aktivit Vhodné pro žáky 5. roč. Určeno pro PC i interaktivní tabuli Některé stránky lze vytisknout a použít jako pracovní listy

3 What are they doing? They play tennis. He plays tennis.

4 What are they doing in their free time?
He plays the guitar. She listens to the CDs player.

5 What are they doing in their free time?
They play football. He plays football.

6 What are they doing in their free time?
They go swimming. She goes skiing.

7 Complete the senteces Molly and Hanah ___________ tennis.
Joe __________ tennis too. Michael ___________ the guitar. Jane ___________to a music. They ___________ football every Friday. David ___________ football on Saturday. Kate _________skiing every weekend. Eve and Sue __________ swimming.

8 Complete the senteces - solution
Molly and Hanah ___________ tennis. Joe __________ tennis too. Michael ___________ the guitar. Jane ___________to a music. They ___________ football every Friday. David ___________ football on Saturday. Kate _________skiing every weekend. Eve and Sue __________ swimming. play plays plays listens play plays goes go

9 Write Do or Does _______ Oliver skiing? _______ Joe play tennis?
_______ Molly and Hanah play football? _______ David play the guitar? _______ they listen to the radio? _______ Sam and Oliver go swimming? _______ David play football?

10 Write Do or Does - solution
_______ Oliver skiing? _______ Joe play tennis? _______ Molly and Hanah play football? _______ David play the guitar? _______ they listen to the radio? _______ Sam and Oliver go swimming? _______ David play football? Does Does Do Does Do Do Does

11 Použité zdroje

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