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Prezentace na téma: "SDRUŽENÍ OBRANY SPOTŘEBITELŮ"— Transkript prezentace:

Consumer Protection in Financial Services – the role of organized society Téma prezentace: změna textu přímo v rámečku, výšku rámečku lze upravit myší Jméno autora a datum se vkládá přes menu: Zobrazit > Záhlaví a zápatí > záložka Snímek Další snímky prezentace: vkládání po 2. snímku David Smejkal

2 New MSs wild capitalism period political inexperience
low institutional memory under-developed civil society week consultation process internet domination time mass privatization boom of services uncritical consumer behaviour – big and easy market David Smejkal

3 Consumer Associations
1. non – profit NGOs (credibility) 2. independency 3. funding (who, how much) 4. effective (product, counselling services, legal action) 5. proactive + consultative + open-minded David Smejkal

4 Activities with industry
round tables common media outputs information & education activities (schools, seminars) information on possible Unfair Commercial Practises co-operation on code of conducts financial consumer expert testing the financial services on a counter testing and comparing products alternative dispute mechanisms solving over - indebtedness David Smejkal

5 Code of conduct clear and measurable
checkout system (internal, external) regularly discussed media campaign good practises guide CSR commitments (education, redress, social exluded, over-indebted) real obligation David Smejkal

6 Activities with the state
projects from/with state agencies partner for state departments to idetify and evaluate policies member of Acquis implementation / EU consultation teams MPs consultation partner impulses to regulators (results from councelling and testing) filing with court / law-suit (legal representation) David Smejkal

7 Thank you for your attention.
Contact: Novakovych 8, Praha 8 tel: , fax: Internet: SDRUŽENÍ OBRANY SPOTŘEBITELŮ - SOS CONSUMER DEFENCE ASSOCIATION David Smejkal


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