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EASTER Název školy: Základní škola a mateřská škola Bělá
Autor: Mgr. Ivana Pavlíčková Název: VY_32_INOVACE_17_Easter Období: leden 2013 – červen 2013 Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Téma hodiny: Easter Ročník: 3. Číslo a název klíčové aktivity: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/
Easter Bunny chicken Easter eggs candy plaited willow cane
Chocolate rabibit snowdrop Chocolate eggs lamb pussy willow chocolate
Find eight words. D C H S A E T R Q F G W J I N V X O L P B K U Z M Y
Find eight words. D C H S A E T R Q F G W J I N V X O L P B K U Z M Y
Listen and say. I´m a chocolate rabbit, I´ve got 10 chocolate toes I´ve got big chocolate ears, And small chocolate nose.
chicken Easter Bunny pussy willow candy Chocolate eggs plaited willow
What is it? Easter Bunny pussy willow candy Chocolate eggs plaited willow cane lamb
Czech easter.
Here comes the Easter Bunny! (song)
My friend, the Easter Bunny. Here come the Easter Bunny hopping along, singing a bunny song. I love the Easter Bunny. My friend, the Easter Bunny. Here comes the Easter Bunny, hop, hop, hopping along. There goes the Easter Bunny. There goea the Easter Bunny hopping along, There goeathe Easter Bunny, hop, hop, hopping along.
Resources http://katysek9. blog. cz/0706/sweety-kuratko http://www
Resources decorated-eggs-easter-pixmac-illustration / ve-sklena-na-na-doby-izolovana-ch-na-ba-la-m.html paques-en-chocolat-isole-sur-un-fond-blanc-uni-avec- chemin-de-detourage.html d=
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