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The History of Viticulture in The Czech Republic Nikola Frölichová, Iveta Čapková
Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory Evropské unie. Za obsah publikací (sdělení) odpovídá výlučně autor. Publikace (sdělení) nereprezentují názory Evropské komise a Evropská komise neodpovídá za použití informací, jež jsou jejich obsahem. This project is co-funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the author only and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein.
The Legend The first vineyard was established by Bohemian Duke Bořivoj and his wife Ludmila in 892 According to the legend Ludmila and Bořivoj were celebrating the birthday of their son and they got a gift – a barell of Moravian wine The taste was amazing, so they started to support the establishment of the first vineyards in Bohemia Nika Fröhlichová, Ivet Čapková
Charles IV. He gave the order to the planting of vineyards
Every vineyard had the same size and people did not have to pay the taxation The Czech history is closely linked with the place Chambertin in the East France, because Charles IV. brought the vine seedling from this village Nika Fröhlichová, Ivet Čapková
Unsuccessful Years The Thirty Years´ War destroyed a large proportion of vineyards in Moravia and Bohemia In 18th century vineyards in Moravia were renewed, but Bohemian people lost interest about vineyards That is the reason why Moravia is the largest viticulture area in The Czech Republic Nika Fröhlichová, Ivet Čapková
Viticulture in The Czech Republic today
Because of increased number of imported cheap wines the Czech winemakers are motivated to produce high quality wines Many traditional family winery has been restored and there are a lot of new companies We can say that Czech viticulture has a long tradition and Czech wines are very popular today Nika Fröhlichová, Ivet Čapková
The Interests 18, 400 hectares of vineyards in The Czech Republic
The yearly consumption of wine per person is 17 liters There are one secondary wine school in Valtice and you can get a diploma at Mendel’s University in Lednice Winemakers have a magazine about wine and it celebrated the 100th years anniversary of being in 2007 Nika Fröhlichová, Ivet Čapková
Thank you for your attention
Nika Fröhlichová, Ivet Čapková
This project is co-funded by the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views of the author only and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein. Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory Evropské unie. Za obsah publikací (sdělení) odpovídá výlučně autor. Publikace (sdělení) nereprezentují názory Evropské komise a Evropská komise neodpovídá za použití informací, jež jsou jejich obsahem. Nika Fröhlichová, Ivet Čapková
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