ŠKOLA: Gymnázium, Chomutov, Mostecká 3000, příspěvková organizace

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1 ŠKOLA: Gymnázium, Chomutov, Mostecká 3000, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Radka Fuchsová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_03A5_Modal verbs - basic TEMA: Gramatika – A1, A2 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ DATUM TVORBY:

2 Anotace DUM na téma „Modal verbs - basic“ má za cíl seznámit žáky se základními anglickými modálními slovesy a jejich použitím ve větách a zároveň tuto látku procvičit. Slovesa jsou rozdělena do čtyř tematických skupin. V každé se nejprve žáci seznámí se základními příklady těchto sloves ve větách, a to nejlépe formou hlasitého čtení. Každou sadu sloves si ihned procvičí, nejlépe u tabule s využitím digitálního pera. Následuje test formou překladu krátkých vět z Čj do Aj a správné řešení. Lze zadat jako samostatnou práci. DUM je určen žákům ročníku čtyřletého, popř. víceletého gymnázia, úroveň Elementary / Preintermediate. Materiál je určen k interaktivní výuce.


4 Ability – can, could, be able to
I can ski, but I cannot / can´t ride a bike. He could speak French, when he was 10. She couldn´t go home, because she was busy. Can you drive a car? Yes, I can. / No, I can´t. Could you skate, when you were a child? we can use be able to for the past and for the future She was able to translate the sentence. Will you be able to help me tonight?

5 Practice – say/write what you can/can´t do now, could/couldn´t do when you were a child or will/won´t be able to do in the future. Use your own ideas or some of the given expressions: drive a car, ride a motorbike, play volleyball, speak perfect English, work with PC, understand physics, cook a meal for the family, use a mobile, read a book in one day, climb a tree, drive a tractor, swim a hundred metres…

6 Requests – can, could, may
when we ask people to do things, we ask for something politely or we ask for permission Can I have something to eat? Could you tell me how to get to the station? Can I go now? May I smoke in here? May we sit down?

7 Practice - write a request for the following situations:
You are a stranger in a city and you need to get to the railway station. You want to talk to your teacher because of your planned absence. You want to borrow your friend´s motorbike. You want to meet your friend in the evening. Your PC doesn´t work and your friend understands computers quite well.

8 Obligation, prohibition, rule, law – must, have to
All the students must / have to wear a uniform. – the rule You must see the movie. - it is important You mustn´t park at this place. - it is not allowed I have to wait for him. – I can´t change it, it is out of my control (he told me to do so) You don´t have to live in Germany to speak perfect German. - it is not necessary He had to / didn´t have to go to work this weekend. - the past of have to Do you have to go by bus to school?...Yes, I do. / No, I don´t. – question, short answer

9 Practice – complete the sentences with the correct form of must or have to:
It´s a secret. You ______ tell anyone. How much _____ you ________ pay for the service? She _________ wear a uniform at work, but she usually does. We couldn´t fix the car ourselves, we ________ take it to the garage. You ________ use your mobile here, it´s prohibited. We ________ show our passport when we flew on our holiday. You _______ remember, it´s Kate´s birthday next week. Why ______ your brother __________ get up so early? I promise I´ll come in time. I know I __________ be late. John can´t go with us to the party. He _________ learn.

10 Key to the practice: It´s a secret. You mustn´t tell anyone.
How much did you have to pay for the service? She doesn´t have to wear a uniform at work, but she usually does. We couldn´t fix the car ourselves, we had to take it to the garage. You mustn´t use your mobile here, it´s prohibited. We had to / didn´t have to show our passport when we flew on our holiday. You must remember, it´s Kate´s birthday next week. Why does your brother have to get up so early at weekends? I promise I´ll come in time. I know I mustn´t be late. John can´t go with us to the party. He must / has to learn.

11 Giving advice – should, ought to
You should stay in bed for a few days. She shouldn´t drink so much alcohol. We often use should in sentences with I think / I don´t think / Do you think….? I think smoking should be prohibited in restaurants. I don´t think you should tell him the truth. Do you think I should marry him? Ought to = should but it is less common. You ought to be kind to your parents.

12 Practice – give advice in the following situation:
Your foreign guest is coming to your country for the first time. Give him advice what he/she should / shouldn´t do. Think about accomodation, money, transport, places of interest, weather, eating…… Use also sentences with I think / I don´t think you should……

13 Test – translate to English:
1. Měl bys mu o tom říct. 2. Umí tvůj bratr lyžovat?...Ne, neumí. 3. Během zkoušky se nesmíte bavit. 4. Smím tady počkat? 5. Měli byste jíst více ovoce. 6. Nerozuměla mu ani slovo. 7. Myslím, že bys neměl pořád sedět u počítače. 8. Budu mu muset zavolat. 9. Nebyla schopná jim nic vysvětlit. 10. Nemusíš mýt nádobí, máme myčku. 11. Ty už musíš odejít? 12. Mohl bys nám pomoct přestěhovat skříň? 13. Nemuseli jsme za to platit. 14. Nesměli jsme si navzájem radit. 15. Uměl hrát na piáno už v sedmi letech. 16. Neuměla anglicky dokud nepřišla na střední školu. 17. Musíš si poslechnout poslední CD Foo Fighters! 18. Naše děti nesmí používat Facebook. 19. Mohla bych dostat něco studeného k pití? 20. Museli jste v práci nosit uniformu?

14 Key to the test: 1. You should tell him about it. 2. Can your brother ski?...No, he can´t. 3. You mustn´t talk during the exam. 4. May I wait here? 5. You should eat more fruit. 6. She wasn´t able to understand him a single word. 7. I don´t think you should sit at the computer all the time. 8. I will have to call him. 9. She wasn´t able to explain anything to them. 10. You don´t have to do the washing up, we have a dishwasher. 11. Do you have to leave now? 12. Could you help us move the wardrobe? 13. We didn´t have to pay for it. 14. We couldn´t / weren´t allowed to advise each other. 15. He could play the piano when he was seven. 16. She couldn´t speak English until she came to high school. 17. You must listen to the last Foo Fighters´ CD. 18. Our children mustn´t use Facebook. 19. Could I get something cold to drink? 20. Did you have to wear a uniform at work?

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