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2 Název: LONDON SIGHTS Autor: Mgr. Michaela Dřevikovská
Název SŠ: VOŠ, SPŠ automobilní a technická Tem. oblast: Reálie– anglický jazyk Ročník: ročník Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Datum vzniku: říjen 2012

3 Anotace Tento materiál slouží k seznámení studentů
s nejznámějšími památkami v Londýně.

4 WESTMINSTER ABBEY Gothic church from the 10th century
coronations and weddings of British monarchs are held there Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and many other well-known people are buried there

5 St.PAUL´S CATHEDRAL the second largest cathedral in the United Kingdom
built by Christopher Wren in 17th century after the great fire of London in 1616 important services are held there, celebrations, weddings, or funerals (e.g. Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill)

6 THE BIG BEN the clock tower oficially named the Elizabeth Tower
the Big Ben – name of the bell part of the Palace of Westminster built in 1850s

7 THE TOWER OF LONDON served as a prison (especially for kings)
former armoury, and treasury guarded by Beefeaters seven ravens live there (according to a legend, they mustn´t leave the Tower, or the monarchy crumbles)

8 TOWER BRIDGE crosses the Thames river built in 1890s
with Olympic rings in 2012 when London hosted the Olympic Games it can be opened to let ships go throught

9 TRAFALGAR SQUARE named after the famous battle of Trafalgar (1805)
column of Admiral Nelson, who won the battle a place for political demonstrations, or New Year´s Eve celebrations

10 PICADILLY CIRCUS one of the famous London squares
known for its illuminated signs

11 THE LONDON EYE the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe 135 m high
opened on 31st December 1999 to celebrate the millennium

12 MILLENNIUM BRIDGE bridge for pedestrians across the Thames river
opened in 2000 to celebrate the millennium

13 THE GLOBE THEATRE theatre performing Shakespeare´s plays
built in 1599 by Shakespeare´s company reconstructered and reopened in 1997

14 Zdroj: vlastní tvorba a fotoarchiv autorky

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