A healthy life with wine

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1 A healthy life with wine
Kristýna Kadurová Jana Marečková Dang Quynh Trang Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory Evropské unie. Za obsah publikací (sdělení) odpovídá výlučně autor. Publikace (sdělení) nereprezentují názory Evropské komise a Evropská komise neodpovídá za použití informací, jež jsou jejich obsahem. This project is co-funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the author only and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein.

2 Wine in ancient times Wine has been considered as a healthy drink since antiquity (antiquité) People in antiquity said that wine uplifts the mind and helps a person to be in good physical condition.

3 History of medicine wine
- people in Egypt used wine as medicine - in 1845 the pharmacopoeia (paper with medicines) used 200 kinds of different wines - in the Czech Republic even some kinds of wine were on doctor's prescription until 1892 - doctors say that every adult man should drink a glass of wine a day -women should drink half a glass a day

4 5 reasons why to drink wine
Anticancer effect Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes Suppression of cholesterol Resistance to stress Positive effects on the skin

5 How often drink wine American research says that the best is frequent drinking of small amounts of alcohol. On the other side excessive single drink, increase mortality from heart attack. In Boston came out clearly as the best drinking everyday small amounts of alcohol.

6 Wine today Drinking wine is very popular at parties, in restaurants or at home. There are a lot of healthy products prepared of wine, such as drugs, creams and a variety of products for body.

7 Thank you for your attention
Kristýna Kadurová Jana Marečková Dang Quynh Trang 2011

8 This project is co-funded by the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views of the author only and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein. Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory Evropské unie. Za obsah publikací (sdělení) odpovídá výlučně autor. Publikace (sdělení) nereprezentují názory Evropské komise a Evropská komise neodpovídá za použití informací, jež jsou jejich obsahem.

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