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ZveřejnilJaroslav Staněk
Obchodní akademie, Střední odborná škola a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky, Hradec Králové Autor: Mgr. Radka Černá Název materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE_5_ANGLICKY_JAZYK_GRAMATIKA_15Spojky Téma sady: Anglický jazyk – gramatika Obor, ročník: Veřejnosprávní činnost/Sociální činnost, 4. ročník Datum vytvoření: leden 2014 Anotace: Spojky a jejich užití v souvětí. Metodický obsah: Výklad nového učiva
CONJUNCTIONS and but or so because
We use these words (conjunctions) to put two sentences together. They make one longer sentence from two shorter sentences: The car stopped. The driver got out. The car stopped and the driver got out.
WORD ORDER WORD ORDER OF A SUBORDINATE CLAUSE Don´t forget to follow the rule SUBJECT + VERB in a subordinate clause! I opened the window because it was too hot. While I was waiting for the bus, it started to rain. Although they are twins, they aren´t the same in every way.
AND, BUT, SO, BECAUSE Notice how, and, but, so, and because join sentences: I like coffee. I like tea. I like coffe and I like tea. I like Tom. I don´t like his wife. I like Tom, but I don´t like his wife. I like Judy. I often visit her. I like Judy, so I often visit her. I like my job. It´s interesting. I like my job because it´s interesting.
Other CONJUNCTIONS WHEN When I went out, it was raining. IF If I don´t feel well, I will stay at home. UNTIL Eva didn´t learn to read until she was 8. ALTHOUGH We didn´t come, although we wanted. WHILE I met Peter while I was studying at university. AFTER After he came, we watched TV. BEFORE Always look both ways before you cross the road. THAT´S WHY He didn´t do it and that´s why I have to do it now.
WHILE While is a conjunction, and is followed by a clause (subject + verb) If you say that X happened while Y happened, it means that X and Y happened at the same time. I fell and hurt myself while I was playing tennis. = I fell and hurt myself at the same time I was playing tennis
English Grammar in Use. third edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Headway Elementary: the third edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN Headway Pre-intermediate: the third edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN Všechny nepopsané kliparty a další grafické objekty jsou součástí prostředků výukového sw Smart Notebook a MS Office.
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