Název školy: ZŠ Klášterec nad Ohří, Krátká 676 Autor: Mgr

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1 Název školy: ZŠ Klášterec nad Ohří, Krátká 676 Autor: Mgr
Název školy: ZŠ Klášterec nad Ohří, Krátká 676 Autor: Mgr. Tereza Černá Název materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE_13_16_Past simple III. (regular, irregular verbs) Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ Anotace: Prezentace pro 2. stupeň základních škol. Slouží jako materiál k procvičení, upevnění a zopakování již probraného učiva pomocí data projektoru či interaktivní tabule. Části prezentace lze použít jako kontrolní test. Čas vymezený na práci s prezentací je minut, včetně kontroly.

2 (regular, irregular verbs)
PAST SIMPLE III. (regular, irregular verbs)

3 ? Make the correct form of following verbs in past simple: be was/were
take took have come came had sleep leave left slept put eat ate put break broke drank drink drive drove know knew go went forget forgot meet met speak spoke

4 Change the sentences to the past simple: It´s nice to meet you again
Change the sentences to the past simple: It´s nice to meet you again. How are you? ____________________________________ Do you watch the film? ____________________________________ My family don´t like waking up. We go to work by bus. Dan must tidy up his room every day. _____________________________________ It was nice to meet you again. How were you? Did you watch the film? My family didn´t like waking up. We went to work by bus. Dan had to tidy up his room every day.

5 Zoe sleeps at least 8 hours a day
Zoe sleeps at least 8 hours a day. _____________________________________ Does Peter understand English? The swans fly in the sky. They don´t visit grandma for two years. What time do you get up? Where do Tony and Ema stay at weekend? Zoe slept at least 8 hours a day. Did Peter understand English? The swans flew in the sky. They didn´t visit grandma for two years. What time did you get up? Where did Tony and Ema stay at weekend?

6 Fill in the right form of verb in past simple:
I ……………………. (not visit) to Australia in 1998. Matt …………………….(go) to England last year. You ……………………(meet) your wife at school in 1973. They ………………….(take) the train to Poodlard three years ago. We …………………….(not come) to England last week. Zita …………………..(stay)at school with her friend an hour ago. She………………………(leave) her horse at home ten minutes ago. I …………………………(must) to drive a car. You ………………………(buy) a book one week ago. John and Jim ……………………(not see) their teacher yesterday. didn´t visit went met took didn´t come stayed left had to didn´t buy didn´t see

7 Make questions on the underlined words: I woke up at 7 o´clock this morning. ………………………………………………….. We celebrated my birthday yesterday. ………………………………………………….. Jack watched his favourite program. ………………………………………….. She got a new jacket. ………………………………………………... I was at cinema with my friends. ………………………………………………….. What time did you wake up this morning? When did you celebrate your birthday? What did Jack watch? What did she get? Where were you with your friends?

8 POUŽITÁ LITERATURA A CITACE: Obrázky použity ze sady Office Není-li uvedeno jinak je materiál dílem autorky podle učebních osnov odpovídajících ŠVP vyučovaných podle učebnic: HUTCHINSON,T., PELTERET,C.Project 2.Oxford University Press, ISBN MURPHY, R. Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, ISBN SCIBOROWSKA, B., ZARANSKA,J. Let´s play grammar. Infoa, ISBN   Citováno dne DUM uložen na-

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