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Ecosystems Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Kódování materiálu

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1 Ecosystems Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0950 Kódování materiálu
vy_32_INOVACE_bio_evo10 Označení materiálu Evo10_Ecosystems Název školy Gymnázium Kladno Autor Mgr. Veronika Nedvědová Anotace Výklad objasňující základní principy fungování ekosystémů. Podklady umožňují práci na principu CLIL výuky biologie v anglickém jazyce. Předmět BIO- biologie Tematická oblast Environmentální výchova Téma Ekosystém Očekávané výstupy Osvojení si principů fungování ekosystémů. Důraz je kladen na aktivitu žáků, formulaci názorů a zaujímání postojů. Základním principem je stimulace komunikace v rámci tématu. Klíčová slova Ekosystém, tok energie, koloběh prvků. Druh učebního materiálu Výklad s kontrolními otázkami Ročník 3. a 4. Cílová skupina vyšší stupeň osmiletého gymnázia, čtyřleté gymnázium Ověřeno Použitá literatura: → J.B.Reece a kol.: Campbell Biology, Pearson, Ninth Edition,2O11. →Hájková J. a kol.: Slovník ekologie a životního prostředí, Fontána a Živá Planeta, 1998. →Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford University Press, Fifth Edition, 1995. Fotografie se svolením Vít Homér. Ostatní materiály z vlastních zdrojů.

2 Ecosystem …the sum of all the organisms living in a given area
and the abiotic factors with which they interact size varies: space under a fallen log→ tropical forest dynamic: changing, evolving processes: chemical cycling and energy flow ≈ interconnected Ecosystems

3 Chemical cycling …ecologists assign species to trophic levels
based on their main source of nutrition and energy Primary producers (dandelion) photosynthetic organisms that produce sugars → building material for growth → cellular respiration, release of energy Primary consumers (slug) depend on primary producers Secondary consumers (frog) depend on primary consumers Tertiary consumers (stork) depend on secondary consumers Decomposers (bacteria) depend on DETRITUS- nonliving organic material ≈ dead organisms, fallen leaves, faecal matter - primary producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary producers, decomposers → recycle chemical elements back to primary producers ≈ are continually recycled within ecosystem (law of conservation mass) Ecosystems

4 …feeding relationships between organisms are referred to
as food chains: primary producers → primary consumers → secondary consumers → tertiary consumers → decomposers …food chains are not isolated units but are linked together in food webs Ecosystems

5 Energy flow energy enters most ecosystems as sunlight
only small fraction of it (1%) is used in photosynthesis to be converted to chemical energy of sugars by: primary producers- energy is used for growth, reproduction, metabolism - throughout cellular respiration is lost from ecosystem as heat (90%) - energy is stored, kept in ecosystem, to be transferred between trophic levels in food chains (10%) to primary consumers primary consumers- … to secondary consumers, etc. there is a loss of energy with each transfer (90%) in food chain → there are usually only four trophic levels Ecosystems

6 BUT in ecosystems through photosynthesis and feeding relationships…
…both energy and matter are transformed in ecosystems through photosynthesis and feeding relationships… BUT …unlike matter, energy cannot be recycled… Ecosystems

7 Chemical elements ……….in ecosystems.
Worksheet Fill in the missing words: Chemical elements ……….in ecosystems. Lizards are members of secondary ………. . Ecosystems are always ………. . Food chains are linked together in food ………. . Common thistle belongs to primary ………. . ………. depend on detritus. Energy ………. through ecosystems. There are usually four ………. levels in each ecosystem. Donkey is a typical ………. consumer. Toadstools altogether with ………. represent decomposers. Draw picture of a food chain and describe it: Ecosystems

8 Chemical elements cycle in ecosystems.
Answers: Chemical elements cycle in ecosystems. Lizards are members of secondary consumers. Ecosystems are always dynamic. Food chains are linked together in food webs. Common thistle belongs to primary producers. Decomposers depend on detritus. Energy flows through ecosystems. There are usually four trophic levels in each ecosystem. Donkey is a typical primary consumer. Toadstools altogether with bacteria represent decomposers. Ecosystems

9 Questions: Name basic trophic levels in ecosystems.
What is the main source of energy for most ecosystems? What amount of energy is transferred in food chains? What two processes are typical of ecosystems? Draw picture of a food chain. Describe it. Ecosystems

10 Answers: primary producers, primary consumers, secondary
consumers, tertiary consumers, decomposers solar radiation 10% chemical cycling and energy flow Ecosystems

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