Hlušice Název školy: Základní škola a mateřská škola,

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1 Hlušice Název školy: Základní škola a mateřská škola,
Autor: PaedDr. Vaňková Marcela Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ Název: VY_32_INOVACE_3C_05_Conditionals – type 2, Quiz Téma: Anglická gramatika v 6. a 9. ročníku ZŠ

2 ANOTACE: 1) Materiál je určen pro žáky 2. stupně ZŠ - Conditionals – type 2. 2) Procvičení struktury a typu otázky: What would you do if …? – konverzace ve dvojicích. 3) Následuje Quiz, výběr správných odpovědí, shrnutí celou větou. 3) Doplnění správných tvarů do vět, kontrola po odhalení zakrytého textu, záměna pořadí vět. 4) Přiřazování, spojení částí vět, kompletní věty napsat, ústně - obměny vět. 6) Zařazení materiálu do procvičovacích hodin – Conditionals – type 2.

3 CONDITIONALS - type 2 dialogues What would you do if you had a free year and a lot of money? If I had a free year and a lot of money I would ….. Note: If I (he, she, it) were QUESTIONS ANSWERS travel round the world study…. go to…. buy a new car ……..

4 CONDITIONALS - type 2 / Quiz
If you heard a strange noise in your house at night, would you: A] go and look B] phone the police C] hide under the bed If I heard a strange noise in my house at night, I would If you found a lot of money in the street, would you: A] keep it B] try to find the person who lost it C] take it to the police If you saw a child stealing from a shop, would you: A] tell the child to stop B] tell a shop assistant C] do nothing If you found a dead mouse in your kitchen, would you: A] throw it out B] ask somebody to throw it out C] run If you found a suitcase on the pavement outside a bank, would you: A] take it into the bank B] take it to the police C] take it home

5 CONDITIONALS - type 2 Put the correct forms of the verbs.
If people had four arms, life would be easier. [have, be] If my cat could open the fridge, it would eat all my food. [can, eat] If Ann and Bill were here, they would know what to do. [be, know] If I knew the answer, I would tell you. [know, tell] If your boss asked you to work on Sunday, would you do it? [ask, do] If you could read people’s thoughts, what would you do? [can, do] I would buy a car if I had enough money. [have, buy] Alex would finish his work on time if he didn’t talk so much. [finish, not talk] I would study Chinese if I had more time. [have, study] This would be a nice country if it didn’t rain so much. [not rain, be] I would like Carola better if she didn’t talk about herself all the time. [not talk, like] B)

6 CONDITIONALS - type 2 IF …. + PAST TENSE Make and write sentences.
WOULD + INFINITIVE If I had a million dollars, he’d have more money. I would build a big swimming pool. If you were the President, they would tell some interesting stories. If dogs could talk, what would you do? If he didn’t travel so much,

7 CITACE: :&imgrefurl= klientov.html%3Fpage_id%3D6523&docid=kSPad1OQ8qPrZM&imgurl= xus/images/cache/456_165/fotogaleria/image_6523_49_v1.jpeg&w=390&h=411&ei=X2uFUe7- HsG04ASSioG4BQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=2&vpy=65&dur=78&hovh=230&hovw=219&tx=53&ty=13 1&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=131&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0,i:182 ELVQYWpM:&imgrefurl= zdravi.aspx&docid=rEhIrrjpuf_k8M&imgurl= 6.gif&w=257&h=403&ei=_muFUZ3LK- jl4QSg4YDADg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=285&vpy=134&dur=406&hovh=281&hovw=179&tx=97&ty=1 80&page=1&tbnh=149&tbnw=95&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:0,i:206 Pr-76LJxM:&imgrefurl= &docid=sWPT1UvdZmFOCM&imgurl= -bubbles-vector jpg&w=380&h=400&ei=hG2FUf6OH4K14ATix4CYAg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=110&page=6&t bnh=144&tbnw=137&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:27,s:100,i:85&tx=69&ty=101 Project English 3, Oxford, Tom Hutchinson, Grammar summary Angličtina, Školní kurz gramatiky, Maria Birkenmajer, E. Maňko, Infoa 2008 The Good Grammar Book, Michael Swan, Catherine Walter, Oxford University Press, 2001 Essential Grammar in Use, Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 1997 Spark, Virginia Evans_Jenny Dooley, Teacher´s book, Express Publishing Let´s study Grammar, Krajewska Milada, Infoa, 2009 Terasoft, TC Angličtina 4, PC program 2003

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