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Mgr. Jaroslava Majlišová Název prezentace: (DUMu) TOPIC: Meals
Název SŠ: SOU Uherský Brod Autoři: Mgr. Jaroslava Majlišová Název prezentace: (DUMu) TOPIC: Meals Tematická oblast: Anglický jazyk pro 1. ročník Ročník: 1. ročník Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Datum vzniku: září 2012 Uvedení autoři, není-li uvedeno jinak, jsou autory tohoto výukového materiálu a všech jeho částí. Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a státním rozpočtem ČR.
Anotace V učebném materiálu Meals se žáci seznámí s národní a mezinárodní kuchyní. Žáci se naučí názvy jídel a sestavení jídelního lístku. Zopakují si slovní zásobu konverzací Birthday plans. 2
Meals Czech cuisine Popular meals in the UK Places where you can eat
Menu Birthday plans
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in. řízek a bramborový salát
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in. řízek a bramborový salát schnitzel with potato salad
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in. řízek a bramborový salát guláš a knedlík schnitzel with potato salad
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in. řízek a bramborový salát guláš a knedlík schnitzel with potato salad goulash with dumplings
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in. řízek a bramborový salát guláš a knedlík schnitzel with potato salad goulash with dumplings sekaná a bramborová kaše
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in. řízek a bramborový salát guláš a knedlík schnitzel with potato salad goulash with dumplings sekaná a bramborová kaše meatloaf with mashed potatoes
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in. řízek a bramborový salát guláš a knedlík schnitzel with potato salad goulash with dumplings sekaná a bramborová kaše meatloaf with mashed potatoes vepřová se zelím
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in. řízek a bramborový salát guláš a knedlík schnitzel with potato salad goulash with dumplings sekaná a bramborová kaše meatloaf with mashed potatoes vepřová se zelím roast pork and cabbage
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in. řízek a bramborový salát guláš a knedlík schnitzel with potato salad goulash with dumplings sekaná a bramborová kaše meatloaf with mashed potatoes vepřová se zelím ovocné knedlíky roast pork and cabbage
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in. řízek a bramborový salát guláš a knedlík schnitzel with potato salad goulash with dumplings sekaná a bramborová kaše meatloaf with mashed potatoes vepřová se zelím ovocné knedlíky roast pork and cabbage dumplings with fruits
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in. řízek a bramborový salát guláš a knedlík schnitzel with potato salad goulash with dumplings sekaná a bramborová kaše meatloaf with mashed potatoes vepřová se zelím ovocné knedlíky roast pork and cabbage dumplings with fruits svíčková na smetaně
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in. řízek a bramborový salát guláš a knedlík schnitzel with potato salad goulash with dumplings sekaná a bramborová kaše meatloaf with mashed potatoes vepřová se zelím ovocné knedlíky roast pork and cabbage dumplings with fruits svíčková na smetaně roast sirloin of beef in cream sauce
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in. řízek a bramborový salát guláš a knedlík schnitzel with potato salad goulash with dumplings sekaná a bramborová kaše meatloaf with mashed potatoes vepřová se zelím ovocné knedlíky roast pork and cabbage dumplings with fruits svíčková na smetaně roast sirloin of beef in cream sauce palačinky
What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in.
Czech cuisine What are typical Czech dishes? Fill in. řízek a bramborový salát guláš a knedlík schnitzel with potato salad goulash with dumplings sekaná a bramborová kaše meatloaf with mashed potatoes vepřová se zelím ovocné knedlíky roast pork and cabbage dumplings with fruits svíčková na smetaně roast sirloin of beef in cream sauce palačinky pancakes
Popular meals in the UK Picture 1
Popular meals in the UK Picture 1 Picture 2
Popular meals in the UK Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3
Popular meals in the UK Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4
Popular meals in the UK Picture 5
Popular meals in the UK Picture 6 Picture 5
Popular meals in the UK Picture 6 Picture 5 Picture 7
Places where you can eat
In what situation would you go to these places? Describe. pub café canteen buffet car fast food takeaway restaurant market stall vegetarian cafeteria pizza parlour burger bar inn Where do you often eat out?
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
I’ll have … (fill in).
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
Starters I’ll have … (fill in).
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
Starters ham and cheese cod liver I’ll have … (fill in).
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
Starters ham and cheese cod liver Soups I’ll have … (fill in).
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
Starters ham and cheese cod liver Soups chicken pea vegetable I’ll have … (fill in).
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
Starters ham and cheese cod liver Soups chicken pea vegetable Egg dishes I’ll have … (fill in).
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
Starters ham and cheese cod liver Soups chicken pea vegetable Egg dishes scrambled eggs omelette I’ll have … (fill in).
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
Starters ham and cheese cod liver Soups chicken pea vegetable Egg dishes scrambled eggs omelette Meat dishes I’ll have … (fill in).
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
Starters ham and cheese cod liver Soups chicken pea vegetable Egg dishes scrambled eggs omelette Meat dishes chop roast beef curry kebab I’ll have … (fill in).
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
Starters ham and cheese cod liver Soups chicken pea vegetable Egg dishes scrambled eggs omelette Meat dishes chop roast beef curry kebab Side dishes I’ll have … (fill in).
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
Starters ham and cheese cod liver Soups chicken pea vegetable Egg dishes scrambled eggs omelette Meat dishes chop roast beef curry kebab Side dishes chips pasta beans tortellini I’ll have … (fill in).
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
Starters ham and cheese cod liver Soups chicken pea vegetable Egg dishes scrambled eggs omelette Meat dishes chop roast beef curry kebab Side dishes chips pasta beans tortellini Salads I’ll have … (fill in).
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
Starters ham and cheese cod liver Soups chicken pea vegetable Egg dishes scrambled eggs omelette Meat dishes chop roast beef curry kebab Side dishes chips pasta beans tortellini Salads mixed fruit cheese and ham I’ll have … (fill in).
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
Starters ham and cheese cod liver Soups chicken pea vegetable Egg dishes scrambled eggs omelette Meat dishes chop roast beef curry kebab Side dishes chips pasta beans tortellini Salads mixed fruit cheese and ham Desserts I’ll have … (fill in).
What’s on the menu? Fill in.
Starters ham and cheese cod liver Soups chicken pea vegetable Egg dishes scrambled eggs omelette Meat dishes chop roast beef curry kebab Side dishes chips pasta beans tortellini Salads mixed fruit cheese and ham Desserts ice cream waffles apple pie I’ll have … (fill in).
Talk about your plans for your next birthday.
Birthday plans Talk about your plans for your next birthday. What are you going to do and what special things to eat and drink? What are the people doing in this picture? Picture 8
Zdroje Picture 1-7: AUTOR NEUVEDEN a kol. SLOVNÍK ANGLICKO-ČSKÝ S VÝSLOVNOSTÍ, ČESKO ANGLICKÝ. Olomouc: Nakladatelství Olomouc, 1997, ISBN Picture 8: HASTINGS, Bob; UMIŃSKA, Marta; CHANDLER, Dominika; Kristóf, Hegedűs; Vaňková, Jitka; Zadražilová, Hana. MATURITA ACTIVATOR, Intenzovní příprava k maturitě, Anglický jazyk - základní úroveň obtížnosti. Edinburgh Gate, Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2009, ISBN 43
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