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At the clothes shop Dialogues.

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1 At the clothes shop Dialogues

2 Phrases / Potřebné fráze
Mohu Vám pomoct? Can I help you? Chtěl bych si koupit tričko/rifle. I would like to buy a T-shirt/jeans. Kolik stojí….? How much is / are…..? tato (tento,toto) / tyto … this / these ….. tamten (tamto….) / tamty….. that / those…..

3 Jaké je/jsou? (Jak sedí?)
How is it/are they? (Does it fit?/ Do they fit?) Je / jsou příliš velké. It´s / They´re too big. Potřebuji menší velikost. I need a smaller size. Chci si ho / je vyzkoušet. I want to try it / them on. Chci si vyzkoušet tamtu košili.. I want to try on that shirt.

4 Kabinky jsou tamhle. The changing rooms are there. Vezmu si ho / je. I´ll take it / them. Prosím / tady máte ….. Here you are. Přeji hezký den. Have a nice day.

5 Customer Shop assistant Good morning! Good morning! Can I help you?
I would like to buy trainers. Trainers are there. You can choose. I like these. Do you have them in size 6? I´ll have a look. Oh, yes. I´ll try them on. How are they? They´re too tight. Do you have them in a bigger size? Yes, here you are. These are fine. How much are they? They´re £46. OK, I´ll take them. Thank you. Have a nice day! Thanks. Goodbye.

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