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Education B 1 Tematická oblast Anglický jazyk – Maturitní ústní zkouška Datum vytvoření Ročník , sexta – oktáva, úroveň B1 Stručný obsah Vhodné jako doplněk k ústní části MZ -praktická forma nácviku částí maturitního zadání úkolu 1,2,4. Způsob využití Napomáhá studentovi s pohotovým ovládáním nezbytných metodických strategií zvládnutí ústní MZ a poskytuje podpůrnou slovní zásobu tématu a vhodné komunikační obraty. Autor Mgr. Vlasta Vařáková Kód VY_22_INOVACE_03_AVAR03 Gymnázium a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Zlín
Topic: Education Part 1: Questions
B1 Do you enjoy learning foreign languages? Which subject is your favourite one? Do you want to go to university after this school? Do you remember your first day at school? What was the most difficult subject at school? Should Czech students wear school uniforms? How have computers (and the Internet) influenced learning?
Topic: Education Part 2: Task 1: Describe the photo in detail and mention:
Location People Activities Atmosphere Other
Topic: Education Part 2: Task 2: Compare the photos and consider the
Topic: Education Part 2: Task 2: Compare the photos and consider the following points: B1 Location People Activities Atmosphere Other
Topic: Education Part 2: Task 3: Tell me about...
Your first teacher Your easiest subjects Subjects you dislike Your school Your classmates Your future school
Topic: Education Part 4: Role-play
B1 You and your friends are writing a project about studying languages. You should agree on the most effective ways of studying English: watching films listening to songs reading magazines, books attending courses going abroad other
Topic: Education Vocabulary bank:
secondary school boarding school primary school private school elementary school college canteen schoolmate headteacher term graduate from memorise labs scholarships grade, mark fail be expelled learn by heart register leave school
Zdroj: klipart Microsoft Office
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