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Brand lift 2016 výsledky více studií

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1 Brand lift 2016 výsledky více studií

2 O dokumentu Jenom se mně na to někdo ptal, tak sumýruji výsledky brand lift studií, který se v GroupM dělaly v roce 2016. Co je BrandLift? Výzkum změny vnímání produktu/značky před a po videokampani Realizováno by Google – tedy pouze na YouTube Podmíněno minimálním spendem Výzkum realizován pomocí dotazníků, které se objevují v prostoru videoobsahu na YT po kampani, poté se porovnají odpovědi lidí, kterí kampaň viděli s těmi, kdo kampaň neviděli Tento dokument je spíš report a ne analýza. Zdroj veškerých dat je Google

3 Sumář postřehů Research lidi si z Brand Liftu dělají spíše srandu nebo ho nemají rádi kvůli amatérskému provedení a black boxu, který představuje Čísla jsou prezentována aby vypadala hezky. Tedy například Ad Recall (nárůsty obecně) z 7% na 9% není prezentován jako +2% ale jako +30% (základ je původní hodnota). Google se snaží aby to vypadalo, že je brand effect podobný u skippers i u viewers Zatímco Ad Recall vykazuje výraznější výsledky, Brand Awareness se pohybuje mnohem méně Většina výsledků brand interestu vypadají spíše nelogicky a není na ně dostatek dat. „Trendy“ značky způsobují vyšší změny brand interestu Mnoho ostaních výsledků dává na druhý pohled taktéž nelogické výsledky (zásadně jiné chování lidí, kteří viděli 1x versus 2x) apod. Celkové výsledky jsou velmi ovlivněny kreativou i pozicí značky, tento vliv však není možné na daných datech odhadnout GROUPM RESEARCH DOPORUČENÍ

4 Case 1 – kosmetický klient, 12/2017
Brand Awareness Ad Recall + lift

5 Case 1 – kosmetický klient, 12/2017
Brand and product interest lift for keywords Avon related.

6 Case 2 – pivní klient, 06/2016 ad recall
Demos Devices Exposure Levels Male: 9.2% lift within average* Female: no lift 18-24: 11.1% lift within average* 25-34: no lift 35-44: no lift Mobile: 13.7% lift within average* Tablet: 17.1% lift within average* Desktop: no lift 1 imp: no lift 2+ imps: 13.1% lift within average* Complete views: 32.9% difference Skipped impressions: no lift TOTAL AD RECALL 8.5% lift in Ad Recall (within average, based on studies from Consumer Packaged Goods vertical(s) in ALL) no lift in Consideration no lift in Brand Interest (benchmarks not available)

7 Case 2 – pivní klient, 06/2016 consideration + interest
Demos Devices Exposure Levels 1 imp: no lift 2+ imps: no lift Complete views: no lift Skipped impressions: no lift Male: no lift Female: no lift 18-24: no lift 25-34: no lift 35-44: no lift 45-54: no lift Desktop: no lift Mobile: no lift Tablet: no lift CONSIDERATION 1 imp: no lift 2 imps: 343.0% search lift Complete views: 1032.8% difference Skipped impressions: no lift INTEREST Exposure Levels

8 Case 3 – finanční instituce, 03/2015 ad recall

9 Case 3 – finanční instituce, 03/2015 brand awareness

10 Case 4 – pivo, 12/2015 ad recall

11 Case 4 – pivo, 12/2015 awareness

12 Case 5 – telekomunikace, 07/2016 brand lift

13 Case 6 – telekomunikace, 11/2016 brand lift

14 Case 7 – kosmetika, 03/2016 brand lift

15 Case 7 – kosmetika, 03/2016 awareness

16 Case 7 – kosmetika, 03/2016 brand interest

17 Appendix slidy by google

18 What is Brand Lift? Brand Lift lets you measure the metrics that matter with results you can trust to improve effectiveness mid-flight & in future campaigns Metrics that matter Ad recall, Brand Awareness, Brand Interest, Consideration, Favorability and Purchase Intent Results you can trust Reflecting our best-in-class methodology Improve effectiveness By understanding what works in near real-time, optimize your live campaigns and gather insights for future media planning

19 How does Brand Lift work?
Robust methodology, easy implementation and near real-time results 1 2 3 Robust research design Google technology creates 2 randomized groups the exposed group are people who will see your ads the control group are people who were randomly selected to see other ads Tagless implementation Serve a survey and/or analyze organic searches on and on to these two groups Fast and free results We gather the responses and compute the results as early as 7 days

20 Brand Lift glossary Absolute Lift
Difference in percentage points between those exposed to an ad vs. those not exposed. Example: if awareness among exposed is 40% and control awareness is 15%, then absolute lift is 25% (or 25 percentage points). Since a correct assessment of the absolute lift depends on analyzing the baseline (control group %age), we do not recommend focusing on absolute values. Use relative lift instead. Ad Recall The extent to which an ad is remembered regarding a brand, product or service class. Brand Awareness The extent to which consumers are familiar with a particular brand of goods or services Brand Interest In our case, measured by the increase in organic searches ( that can be directly attributed to your campaign Complete views Refer to studied users who chose to watch the entire ad or at least 30s of it Confidence Level Shows how confident we are of the results based on statistical analysis Consideration Considering a brand/product as part of the set of brands that consumers evaluate when making a purchase decision. Control group %age (baseline) Reported level of awareness, recall, consideration, etc among the target audience who did not see your ad. Consumers may opt to not answer the survey (leave it blank), or select “none of the above” before reading the answer options. For these reasons, numbers can be low and are NOT representative of the Brand awareness, consideration, etc -- it just represents the survey control group responses. Exposed group %age Reported level of awareness, recall, consideration, etc among the target audience who was exposed to your ad. Consumers may opt to not answer the survey (leave it blank), or select “none of the above” before reading the answer options. For these reasons, numbers can be low and are NOT representative of the awareness, consideration, etc -- it just represents the survey exposed group responses. Favorability A measure of a respondent's overall (positive) opinion about a brand. Frequency The number of times a person is exposed to an ad over a time period. Purchase Intent The plan in which a person intends to buy a particular good or service sometime in the near future. Reach Absolute number of users impacted by your campaign(s) until the report date Relative Lift The best indicator of campaign performance, and what is simply called “lift” in this deck. Can be defined as the absolute lift divided by control recall/awareness. Skipped impressions Refer to studied users who chose to skip your ad Statistically significance Shows if the Relative Lift is significant positive (ie, if we are at least 90% confident of the result). Sometimes there can be detected lift, but if we are not 90% confident on it, we mark it as ‘not statistically significant’ (and recommend not to use it).

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