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Listening 1 vypracovala: Mgr. Monika Štrejbarová
Listen kolektiv Anglič Angličtina pro samouky a věčné začátečníky. Brno: Computer press, a.s., 2009.
What does it mean? teta aunt strýc uncle bratranec, sestřenice cousin
prarodiče Jsi ženatý? Jsi vdaná? Jsem svobodný/á. manžel zajímavý aunt uncle cousin grandparents Are you married? I am single. husband interesting
Listen again and answer these questions.
How many brothers and sisters does he have? Does he have grandparents? Is he married? How many children does his sister have? How old is sister´s son? Where does his sister live? Are his brothers married? He has got four brothers and sisters. He has got a grandfather and two grandmothers. No, he is single. She has got one son. He is five. She lives in Michigan. No, they are single.
Find the right answers. Tell me about your family.
3 C 4 B 5 G 6 A 7 E Tell me about your family. What about your grandparents? Are you married? Do you have any children? What´s her husband´s name? How old is he? Where do they live? What about your brothers? They live in Michigan. Tim. They have one son. No, I´m single, but my sister is married. I´m from a big family. I have a mother, father and four brothers and sisters. e) They are single. f) Yes, I have a grandfather and two grandmothers. He is five.
Listen again and put in right order.
They live in Michigan. What about your brothers? They are single. What about your grandparents? Tim. They have one son. Tell me abou your family. Are you married? Do you have any children? Where do they live? I´m from a big family. I have a mother, father and four brothers and sisters. How old is he? No, I´m single, but my sister is married. What´s her husband´s name? He is five. Yes, I have a grandfather and two grandmothers. 6, 9, 4, 14, 7, 11, 12, 5, 10, 13, 8, 1, 2, 3
English idioms The black sheep of the family. Run in the family.
My brother is the black sheep of the family. Můj bratr je černá ovce rodiny. Run in the family. Art runs in the family, my father is a painter, my mother is a sculptor and my brother and I can draw very well. Umění je u nás v rodině dědičné, můj otec je malířem, matka sochařkou a já s bratrem umíme velmi dobře kreslit.
Put in right order. me your Tell family about.
children any Do have you? married but is, No, I´m sister single, my. grandfather a two Yes, have I grandmothers and. Tell me about your family. Do you have any children? No, I´m single, but my sister is married. Yes, I have a grandfather and two grandmathers.
Použité zdroje a literatura
KOLEKTIV ANGLIČTINA.COM. Angličtina pro samouky a věčné začátečníky. Brno: Computer press, a.s., 2009.
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