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Prezentace na téma: "DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNÍ MATERIÁL"— Transkript prezentace:

Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Název projektu DUM Škola budoucnosti s využitím IT VY_3_INOVACE_ANJ42 Název školy SPŠ a SOŠGS Most Předmět ANJ Tematická oblast Obchod a služby Téma Svátky v anglicky mluvících zemích Ročník 3, 4 - gastronomie Jméno autora Pavel Němec Datum tvorby Anotace Prezentace slouží k výkladu tématu svátky v anglicky mluvících zemích, zároveň lze tuto prezentaci využít jako materiálu pro opakování a prověřování znalostí žáků.

2 Holidays in English speaking countries
There are many different holidays celebrated in the English speaking countries. Like in our country, there are many feasts that have religious origins – Christmas, Easter and other. The other festive days are secular, coming from other traditions and national momentous days like the Thanksgiving Day in the US.

3 Holidays in English speaking countries
The feasts with religious origins are in most of the English speaking countries very similar to our holidays. There are some differences for sure. For example – the Christmas: this feast has the same origin in all countries but the manner of its celebrating is a bit different.

4 Holidays in English speaking countries
English and American Chrismas Eve. Maybe the biggest difference is in the way of the giving of the christmas gifts. Ježíšek – a small child- brings the gifts in our country . The gifts in the English speaking countries brings Santa Claus from the North poleduring the night while the children are sleeping. Those gifts are then unpacked on the 25th of December in the morning. The traditional meal is the turkey and the British love their figgy pudding.

5 Holidays in English speaking countries
Other well known traditions of the English speaking countries are for example are the Haloween, Thanksgiving day in the US or the Harvest day in the UK.

6 Holidays in English speaking countries
Your task: Use the internet and find out as many informations about the Thanksgiving Day as you can. Try primarily to explain the origin of this feast.

7 Zdroje: Obrázky: Galerie Klipart – www.office.microsoft.com
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