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Název školy: Základní škola Chomutov, Písečná 5144 Název materiálu: VY_22_INOVACE_36_Minimundus - round the World 4_hz2 Číslo projektu: CZ 1.07/1.4.00/21.3355.

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Prezentace na téma: "Název školy: Základní škola Chomutov, Písečná 5144 Název materiálu: VY_22_INOVACE_36_Minimundus - round the World 4_hz2 Číslo projektu: CZ 1.07/1.4.00/21.3355."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Název školy: Základní škola Chomutov, Písečná 5144 Název materiálu: VY_22_INOVACE_36_Minimundus - round the World 4_hz2 Číslo projektu: CZ 1.07/1.4.00/ Autor: Mgr. Zdena Hanušová Datum tvorby: Cílový ročník: 7. ročník Vzdělávací oblast: Anglický jazyk Klíčové slovo: věž, mešita, chrám, zeď, socha, pyramida. Anotace: Prezentace fotografií z Minimundusu. Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Zdena Hanušová. Financováno z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR.

2 Minimundus - round the World 4.

3 CN Tower - Canada. It is a tourist telecommunication tower in Toronto
CN Tower - Canada. It is a tourist telecommunication tower in Toronto. It is the third tallest building in the world. It is high m.

4 City Hall in Brussels - Belgium
City Hall in Brussels - Belgium. City Hall is located on the Grand Place. Town Hall tower is 96 meters high.

5 Mosque in Banda Aceh - Sumatra
Mosque in Banda Aceh - Sumatra. Great Mosque was built in the thirteenth century. After the Dutch attack in 1873 burned down. The Dutch built new in 1883.

6 Sophie's temple - Kiev. Here was the first library in Russia and the first school. There was crowned princes.

7 Statue of Liberty - USA. The Statue of Liberty is one of the main tourist attractions of New York City.

8 Great Wall of China. It is an old system of fortifications stretching across northern China. The wall stretches for about 3460 km (with all branches 8,858.8 km).

9 Pyramid of the Sun - Mexico. Pyramid of the Sun has a height of 63 m
Pyramid of the Sun - Mexico. Pyramid of the Sun has a height of 63 m. On the platform once stood a temple.

10 Taj Mahal - India. For many people today the Taj Mahal symbol of India
Taj Mahal - India. For many people today the Taj Mahal symbol of India. The building is 73 meters high.

11 (2014 – 01 – 27) Zdroje: vlastní archiv autorky

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