 Anotace  Didaktický materiál je určen především žákům 4. ročníků maturujících z anglického jazyka. Prezentace obsahuje téma určené k ústní části maturitní.

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2  Anotace  Didaktický materiál je určen především žákům 4. ročníků maturujících z anglického jazyka. Prezentace obsahuje téma určené k ústní části maturitní zkoušky.  Očekávaný výstup:  Studenti by měli být schopni aplikovat získané znalosti jak v jejich ústním, tak písemné projevu.



5  Is situated in Central Europe  Is an inland country  Head of state is the president  Has four neighbours ◦ Poland (in the North) ◦ Austria (in the South) ◦ Slovakia (in the East) ◦ Germany (in the West)

6  Consists of three main regions ◦ Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia  Has many rivers  The largest river is the Labe (Elbe) ◦ it has source in the Giant Mountains  The longest river is the Vltava ◦ There are several big damps ( f.e. Lipno, Slapy or Orlík) on the river ◦ It is the most important tributary of the Elbe

7  Other tributaries are the Lužnice, the Sázava or the Berounka  South Bohemia is famous for its ponds ◦ The biggest Czech pound is Rožmberk  There are also two glacial lakes in the CR ◦ Černé and Čertovo in the Šumava Mountains  The terrain is rather hilly

8  Mountain ranges border most of the country  The Krušné Mouintains and Šumava lie on the Western border  There is a beautiful nature in Šumava ◦ It is a very old mountain range ◦ It is famous for lakes of glacial origin  The Šumava region is an important water reservoir for Central Europe

9  The highest mountains are the Giant Mountains ◦ The highest peak is Sněžka  The Orlické and Jizerské mountains lie on the border Poland  Mountain ranges Beskydy and Jeseníky are in Moravia  Moravia and Silesia are mostly lowland region  Climate is humid and continental with warm summers and cold winters

10  The capital city is Prague ◦ It is also the largest city very important with its history  Other big cities are Brno, Ostrava or Plzeň  Western Bohemia are famous for spa cities ◦ Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně and Františkovy Lázně  Is an industrial country ◦ The main industrial part is the North of the CR

11  Is rich in minerals ◦ Black and brown coal, lignite, sand for glass-making  Agriculture plays a relatively small role in the nation´s export industry  The main crops ◦ Barley, wheat, sweet corn, sugar beet, potaoes or hops  Livestock animals as pigs, cattle and sheep are also important in farming

12  Czech beer is very famous both at home and abroad ◦ It has a long tradition  Manufacturing includes glass industry, steelworks, large breweries

13  Václav Havel  Franz Kafka  Karel Čapek  Bedřich Smetana  Jaromír Jágr  Karel Gott  Miloš Forman  Karolina Kurkova  Tomáš. G. Masaryk  Alfons Mucha  Jaromír Nohavica  Alois Jirásek  Jan Werich  Emil Zátopek  Tomáš Rosický  Jan Hus  Zdeněk Svěrák  Antonín Dvořák  Miloš Zeman

14  Plays an important role in the life of many Czechs  The most popular sports ◦ football, ice-hockey and tennis  Czech national hockey team is very succesfu l ◦ Olympic gold at the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano ◦ World Championship medals etc.

15  Tennis player Petra Kvitová ◦ Won the Wimbledon Championships in 2011  Shooter Kateřina Emons ◦ won the gold medal in 2008 Summer Olympics  Speed skater Martina Sáblíková ◦ Won two gold and one bronze medal in 2010 Winter Olympics ◦ Won a lot of medals (predominantly gold medals) in WC and EC

16  Slide 3 – 14 Vlastní tvorba  Zdroj obrázků ◦ http://pixabay.com/cs/hrad-pam%C3%A1tn%C3%ADk- %C4%8Desk%C3%A1-republika-hill-92797/ http://pixabay.com/cs/hrad-pam%C3%A1tn%C3%ADk- %C4%8Desk%C3%A1-republika-hill-92797/ ◦ http://pixabay.com/cs/p%C3%ADskovce-rock- %C4%8Deskosask%C3%A9-%C5%A1v%C3%BDcarsko- 55971/ http://pixabay.com/cs/p%C3%ADskovce-rock- %C4%8Deskosask%C3%A9-%C5%A1v%C3%BDcarsko- 55971/ ◦ http://pixabay.com/cs/vlajka-znamen%C3%AD-evropa- %C4%8Desky-26900/ http://pixabay.com/cs/vlajka-znamen%C3%AD-evropa- %C4%8Desky-26900/

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