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ZveřejnilSilvie Kučerová
Anotace Didaktický materiál je určen především žákům 4. ročníků maturujících z anglického jazyka. Prezentace obsahuje téma určené k ústní části maturitní zkoušky. Očekávaný výstup: Studenti by měli být schopni aplikovat získané znalosti jak v jejich ústním, tak písemné projevu.
Is situated in Central Europe Is an inland country Head of state is the president Has four neighbours ◦ Poland (in the North) ◦ Austria (in the South) ◦ Slovakia (in the East) ◦ Germany (in the West)
Consists of three main regions ◦ Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia Has many rivers The largest river is the Labe (Elbe) ◦ it has source in the Giant Mountains The longest river is the Vltava ◦ There are several big damps ( f.e. Lipno, Slapy or Orlík) on the river ◦ It is the most important tributary of the Elbe
Other tributaries are the Lužnice, the Sázava or the Berounka South Bohemia is famous for its ponds ◦ The biggest Czech pound is Rožmberk There are also two glacial lakes in the CR ◦ Černé and Čertovo in the Šumava Mountains The terrain is rather hilly
Mountain ranges border most of the country The Krušné Mouintains and Šumava lie on the Western border There is a beautiful nature in Šumava ◦ It is a very old mountain range ◦ It is famous for lakes of glacial origin The Šumava region is an important water reservoir for Central Europe
The highest mountains are the Giant Mountains ◦ The highest peak is Sněžka The Orlické and Jizerské mountains lie on the border Poland Mountain ranges Beskydy and Jeseníky are in Moravia Moravia and Silesia are mostly lowland region Climate is humid and continental with warm summers and cold winters
The capital city is Prague ◦ It is also the largest city very important with its history Other big cities are Brno, Ostrava or Plzeň Western Bohemia are famous for spa cities ◦ Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně and Františkovy Lázně Is an industrial country ◦ The main industrial part is the North of the CR
Is rich in minerals ◦ Black and brown coal, lignite, sand for glass-making Agriculture plays a relatively small role in the nation´s export industry The main crops ◦ Barley, wheat, sweet corn, sugar beet, potaoes or hops Livestock animals as pigs, cattle and sheep are also important in farming
Czech beer is very famous both at home and abroad ◦ It has a long tradition Manufacturing includes glass industry, steelworks, large breweries
Václav Havel Franz Kafka Karel Čapek Bedřich Smetana Jaromír Jágr Karel Gott Miloš Forman Karolina Kurkova Tomáš. G. Masaryk Alfons Mucha Jaromír Nohavica Alois Jirásek Jan Werich Emil Zátopek Tomáš Rosický Jan Hus Zdeněk Svěrák Antonín Dvořák Miloš Zeman
Plays an important role in the life of many Czechs The most popular sports ◦ football, ice-hockey and tennis Czech national hockey team is very succesfu l ◦ Olympic gold at the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano ◦ World Championship medals etc.
Tennis player Petra Kvitová ◦ Won the Wimbledon Championships in 2011 Shooter Kateřina Emons ◦ won the gold medal in 2008 Summer Olympics Speed skater Martina Sáblíková ◦ Won two gold and one bronze medal in 2010 Winter Olympics ◦ Won a lot of medals (predominantly gold medals) in WC and EC
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