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ZveřejnilVít Kovář
Jméno autora:Mgr. Jiří Kala Škola:ZŠ Náklo Datum vytvoření (období): červen 2013 Ročník:6. Tematická oblast: Anglická gramatika a slovní zásoba 1. Téma:Present continuous Metodický list (anotace): Prezentace zaměřená na tvorbu vět v přítomném čase průběhovém.
Present continuous - TVOŘENÍ Přítomný čas průběhový se jako ostatní průběhové časy tvoří pomocí tzv. –INGového tvaru slovesa a příslušného tvaru slovesa BE. Podmět + tvar slovesa be + -ingový tvar slovesa Example: SHE IS COOKING. He is eating. We are playing. POZOR!! Sit – sitting Make – making Have - having
Použít můžeme také stažené tvary. I am you are he is she is it is we are you are they are I'm you're he's she's it's we're you're they're I'm doing you're doing he's doing we're writing they're sitting...
Present continuous - ZÁPOR Zápor se tvoří velmi snadno, pouze za tvar slovesa be přidáme záporku not. I am not doing. You are not doing. He is not doing. She is not doing. It is not doing. We are not doing. They are not doing.
Present continuous – OTÁZKA Otázka se tvoří přehozením slovosledu. You are sleeping. Are you sleeping? He is cooking. Is he cooking?
Present continuous otázka Am I doing it? Am I running? Are you sleeping? Are you dancing? Is he working? Is he singing a song? Is she reading a book? Is it happening? Is it jumping? Are we playing tennis Are they going home? Are they taking an exam? zápor I'm not doing. I'm not writing. You aren't speaking. You aren't going. We aren't singing. They aren't walking. They aren't running. He isn't doing. He isn't writing. He isn't speaking. She isn't dancing. She isn't working. It isn't working.
Zdroje 1),2) 05-pritomny-cas-prubehovy MS PowerPoint Klipart - obrázky
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