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ZveřejnilZdenka Kolářová
EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: Relationships Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: AJ1 – 28 Šablona: II/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky cizích jazyků na středních školách Název sady vzdělávacích materiálů: Materiály pro přípravu k maturitě Autor: Mgr. Jarmila Jurečková Datum vytvoření: 10. 3. 2014 Garant (kontrola): Mgr. Michala Nyklesová Ročník: vyšší gymnázium Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Téma: Zdokonalení praktického jazyka – redukce čechismů v angličtině Metodika/anotace: Powerpointová prezentace. Nácvik základních slovíček a vazeb z oblasti mezilidských vztahů. Časový rozvrh: 30 min Zdroje: uvedeno v závěru Gymnázium Františka Křižíka a základní škola, s.r.o.
GUESS THE WORDS the relationship between people who are friends
guess the words the relationship between people who are friends - FRIENDSHIP
guess the words the relationship between people who are friends – FRIENDSHIP to form friendly relationship
guess the words the relationship between people who are friends – FRIENDSHIP to form friendly relationship – MAKE FRIENDS
guess the words the relationship between people who are friends – FRIENDSHIP to form friendly relationship – MAKE FRIENDS to have a good relationship with somebody
guess the words the relationship between people who are friends – FRIENDSHIP to form friendly relationship – MAKE FRIENDS to have a good relationship with somebody – GET ON WELL to stay in contact with somebody
guess the words the relationship between people who are friends – FRIENDSHIP to form friendly relationship – MAKE FRIENDS to have a good relationship with somebody – GET ON WELL to stay in contact with somebody - KEEP IN TOUCH be sure somebody will do what he promised
guess the words the relationship between people who are friends – FRIENDSHIP to form friendly relationship – MAKE FRIENDS to have a good relationship with somebody – GET ON WELL to stay in contact with somebody - KEEP IN TOUCH be sure somebody will do what he promised - RELY ON SOMEBODY
Combine the words to make phrases relymake trust depend keep get on well friends in touch on somebody well with
Make adjectives depend -
Make adjectives depend - dependable
Make adjectives depend – dependable rely -
Make adjectives depend – dependable rely – reliable mood -
Make adjectives depend – dependable rely – reliable mood – moody jealousy -
Make adjectives depend – dependable rely – reliable mood – moody jealousy – jealous pride -
Make adjectives depend – dependable rely – reliable mood – moody jealousy – jealous pride - proud
REWRITE THE SENTENCES so that they mean the same She never phones us. [touch] I don`t have a good relationship with my stepfather. [get on] My brother is very reliable. [rely] I became his friend a few years ago. [make]
DATE SOMEBODY HAVE AN ARGUMENT go out with – have a boyfriend or girlfriend split up with – stop being in a relationship fall out with – argue with somebody regret something – feel sorry about something things go wrong – a problem happen in a relationship have a lot in common – have the same interests
Choose the correct word They have lots on/in common. Monika and Chandler have fallen out/off. She is depressed, she has just split off/up with Tom. How long have you been going out/together? You can always rely on/in me.
Choose the correct word They have lots in common. Monika and Chandler have fallen out. She is depressed, she has just split up with Tom. How long have you been going out? You can always rely on me.
zdroje: Maturita Solutions 2nd edition, Oxford
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