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ZveřejnilDaniel Zeman
Gymnázium, Brno, Elgartova 3 GE - Vyšší kvalita výuky CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0925 III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Téma: English Grammar
Autor: Mgr. Bronislav Sobotka Název: Present Continuous Datum: 18. 9. 2013 Cílová skupina: Žáci střední školy Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Jazyk: Angličtina
Anotace: Pracovní list slouží k vysvětlení (zopakování) použití přítomného času průběhového (Present Continuous), jeho procvičení a upevnění správného užití. Metodické pokyny: Nejprve jsou žáci seznámeni s typickým užitím tohoto času a jeho gramatickou strukturou, poté mají příležitost doplnit tento čas do vět, v další fázi si užití upevní za pomoci překladu, na konec je zařazena hra.
Present Continuous – Usage 1 We use Present Continuous when we want to say that something is happening at the time of speaking – it has started and it is not finished yet. pastpresent future Tom is watching television. (He is watching televison NOW at the time of speaking.) I am waiting for you. (I am waiting for you NOW at the time of speaking.)
Present Continuous – Usage 2 We can also use Present Continuous when we want to talk about something that is not happening exactly at the time of speaking but it has started and it is not finished yet. Broňa is preparing for CELTA exam. (But maybe he is not preparing right now (he can be sitting in a pub at the time of speaking.)) I am reading a great book about a dog who fell in love with an orange cat. (But right now I am not reading it but talking to you.)
Present Continuous - Examples Where is John? He is having a shower. What are you doing? I am writing my homework. Please go away. I am trying to work. Pssss! I am listening to the news. You can turn off the TV. I am not watching it. Where are you going? I am going to the shop.
Present Continuous - Form Singular affirmative Singular negative Singular interrogative
Present Continuous - Form Plural affirmative Plural negative Plural interrogative
Present Continuous - Translation 1. Co tady děláš? 2. Čekám na Julii. 3. Nedívám se ti na nohy! 4. Čtu si Hamleta. 5. Kam jdeš? 6. Nehraju si! Učím se! 7. S kým to mluvíš?
Present Continuous - Translation 1. Co tady děláš? 2. Čekám na Julii. 3. Nedívám se ti na nohy! 4. Čtu si Hamleta. 5. Kam jdeš? 6. Nehraju si! Učím se! 7. S kým to mluvíš? 1. What are you doing here? 2. I am waiting for Julie. 3. I am not looking at your legs! 4. I am reading Hamlet. 5. Where are you going? 6. I am not playing! I'm learning! 7. Who are you speaking with?
Present Continuous – Gap filling 1. What ______ you _________ to? 2. I ______________ football on TV. 3. I ________________ the newspaper – you can take it. 4. He ______________ for his boyfriend. 5. ____ you __________ home with me? 6. We ________________ for the test. 7. They ______________ the marathon race. Fill in these verbs in the correct form: run go listen read study watch wait
Present Continuous – Gap filling 1. What are you listening to? 2. I am watching football on TV. 3. I am not reading the newspaper – you can take it. 4. He is waiting for his boyfriend. 5. Are you going home with me? 6. We are studying for the test. 7. They are running the marathon race.
Present Continuous – Running dictation game - Rules - We will play in pairs (two people in one team) - One of you will sit and write down the text - One of you will read the text, run to your partner and dictate it to him or her - The team that will have it first written down (without mistakes) is the winner - The original text will be placed in front of the board - The person writing down will be sitting at the back of the classroom and cannot move from his or her position - You cannot shout – you have to talk close to each other
Present Continuous – Running dictation game - Text The sun is shining, the birds are singing and we are all running around the class. Broňa is looking at us and smiling. Other students are sitting and studying. But we are playing a game and studying together. I am enjoying the game and my friends are all looking happy, too. I am dictating this text and my partner is writing it down. We are getting closer to the end now. Right now I am telling the very last sentence.
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