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ZveřejnilPavel Král
Kliknutím lze upravit styl předlohy. Typical daily meals Food in the past Jakub Jambor, Jakub Baštinec Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory Evropské unie. Za obsah publikací (sdělení) odpovídá výlučně autor. Publikace (sdělení) nereprezentují názory Evropské komise a Evropská komise neodpovídá za použití informací, jež jsou jejich obsahem. This project is co-funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the author only and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein.
Typical daily meals ● Weekdays For breakfast we have bread or roll with ham or cheese but many people do not have breakfast For lunch pupils, students and teachers often go to a school canteen, other working people go to a restaurant for some daily menu For dinner we have something easy to cook, for example: potato flat cake, škubánky, etc. ● Weekends Our lunch has two courses: soup and main course Typical soup: potato soup, beef soup with liver balls and noodles, garlic soup Specialities of Czech: roast sirloin of beef in cream sauce, pork, cabbage and dumplings, steak and potato salad
Potato flat cake It is made from potatoes, eggs, flour, and some spices There are more options how to prepare them
Škubánky It is made from potatoes, flour and salt and sprinkled with sugar and poppy.
Potato soup Soup from potatoes with carrot and parsley.
Beef soup with liver balls and noodles Made from beef bouillon.
Garlic soup Soup from garlic with cheese and toasted bread
Roast sirloin of beef in cream sauce
Pork, cabbage and dumplings
Steak and potato salad
Food in the past Negative points: exotic fruits not available (long queues) the choice of meat very limited Positive points: Healthier diet – people grew vegetable and fruit in their gardens No fast food companies no fast food companies
Thank you for your attention Made by Jakub Jambor and Jakub Baštinec
This project is co-funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the author only and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein. Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory Evropské unie. Za obsah publikací (sdělení) odpovídá výlučně autor. Publikace (sdělení) nereprezentují názory Evropské komise a Evropská komise neodpovídá za použití informací, jež jsou jejich obsahem.
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