Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj 538 43 Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: 70989176, tel: 469 661 719, emaiI:

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Prezentace na téma: "Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj 538 43 Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: 70989176, tel: 469 661 719, emaiI:"— Transkript prezentace:

1 Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj 538 43 Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: 70989176, tel: 469 661 719, emaiI: zskola@tremosnice.cz, www.zs-tremosnice.cz Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.2459 Název: Škola pro každého – kvalita a efektivnost ve využití lidských zdrojůzskola@tremosnice.czwww.zs-tremosnice.cz Výukový materiál VY_22_INOVACE_17_ Past simple questions of regular and irregular verbs Název materiálu (téma): Past simple questions of regular and irregular verbs Sada:Angličtina,2. stupeň Autor: Mgr. Alena Chaloupková Anotace: Past simple questions of regular and irregular verbs (práce s interaktivní tabulí, pracovní list) © Výukový materiál je majetkem ZŠ Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj, 2012

2 Teacher : Mgr. Alena Chaloupková Class : 6 Date : 2nd May 2012 Subject : English Topic : Past simple questions of regular and irregular verbs Compare and find out the rule. Present simple questions. Past simple questions. DoIread everyday ? Doyouspeak English ? Doweplay football ? Dotheygo to school ? Doeshedrive a car ? Doesshetreat people ? Doesitplay music ? DidIread yesterday ? Didyouspeak English 5 years ago ? Didweplay football yesterday ? Didtheygo to school last week ? Didhedrive a car yesterday? Didshetreat people a month ago ? Diditplay music yesterday?

3 Make the questions: 1 work / on Monday/ did/ they ? _________________________________________ 2 enjoy / did/ you/ the party ? _________________________________________ 3 did/ to the cinema/ go/ she/ on Friday evening? _________________________________________ 4 ? class7 / in/ you/ learn German/ did __________________________________________ 5 books?/ read/ did/ he/ a lot of __________________________________________ 6 did/ get/ many/ you/ letters? __________________________________________ 7 did/ a good holiday / they/ have ? ___________________________________________

4 Make the questions. 8 to school?/ meet / friends/ she/ on her way/ did ____________________________________________ 9 the room up?/ I/ did/ tidy/ ____________________________________________ 10 did/ watch TV/ yesterday/ we? ____________________________________________ 11 homework ?/ did/ finish/ they/ their ____________________________________________ 12 have/ you/ did/ breakfast? ____________________________________________ 13 ? Cassidy/ did/ buy/ a magazine ____________________________________________ 14 sleep/ did/ you/ well? You look tired. ____________________________________________

5 Key. 1 Did they work on Monday? 2 Did you enjoy the party? 3 Did she go to the cinema on Friday evening? 4 Did you learn German in class 7 ? 5 Did he read a lot of books? 6 Did you get many letters? 7 Did they have a good holiday? 8 Did she meet friends on her way to school? 9 Did I tidy the room up? 10 Did we watch TV yesterday? 11 Did they finish their homework? 12 Did you have breakfast? 13 Did Cassidy buy a magazine? 14 Did you sleep well? You look tired.

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