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ZveřejnilEmilie Dvořáková
AUTOR : Mgr. Alena Bartoňková NÁZEV : VY_32_INOVACE_18_15_A6_Bartonkova TÉMA : Opakování – přítomný čas prostý OBSAH : Opakování – přítomný čas prostý ČÍSLO PROJEKTU : CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.2364
A NOTACE Hodina slouží k opakování přítomného času prostého. Součástí hodiny je krátký text, který u žáků rozvíjí čtenářskou gramotnost. Na text navazují snímky č. 4 a č. 5, které obsahují úkoly k uvedenému textu. Další snímky jsou zaměřeny na opakování přítomného času prostého. Na závěr hodiny je vloženo cvičení, v němž žáci vymýšlí slovesa z poskytnutých písmen. Žáci, kteří složí z písmen co nejvíce sloves, budou na konci hodiny ohodnoceni známkou. Z hodiny je také možno využít pouze text a snímky, které s ním souvisí. Další prací s textem může být vyhledávání sloves v přítomném čase a žáci mohou vymýšlet na vyhledaná slovesa i jiné věty. Výstupem této hodiny by mělo být, že žáci umí a aktivně užívají přítomný čas prostý a jsou schopni rozlišit rozdíl mezi 3. os. č. j. a ostatními osobami.
1. Where does Lucy live? 2. How old is she? 3. What is her mother's name? 4. What is her brother's name? 5. Who is Lucy's best friend? 6. What does Lucy do on Monday? 7. How do they go to a farm? 8. What instrument does Lucy play? 9. I English and Maths Lucy's favourite subjects? 10. Is her father is a doctor.
Lucy is quite short. Lucy is quite tall. She wants to be a teacher. She wants to be a doctor. Tom's favourite team is Real Madrid. Tom's favourite team is FC Barcelona. Lucy doesn't like reading books. Lucy likes reading books. Lucy's best friend is Sue. Lucy's best friend is Kate. Lucy plays tennis and floorball. Lucy plays squash.
listen to play make sing drive swim look at ride read wear jeans a car a song a book a picture models car new CDs at the swimming pool tennis a bike
__________ Jane study at university? When__________ you start school? What ___________ Tom like? ____________ they play football? ____________ you write a test? What__________ John do in the afternoon? ______________ you watch TV every day? Where __________ Kate go? ___________ you like English? Does do does Do does Do Does Do
Danny _____________ (play/plays) tennis. We _____________ (like/likes) English very much. She _____________ (go/goes) to school at 7.30. I_______________(write/writes) homework. They ___________ (dance/dances) at the disco. You ____________(watch/watches) TV every day! My father__________(drive/drives) a car dangerously. They _____________(speak/speaks) English well. Judy_____________(walk/walks) with her dog. plays like goes write dance watch drives speak walks
John don't like drawing. John doesn't like drawing. I doesn't play tennis. I don't play tennis. We doesn't go to school at 6. We don't go to school at 6. Lucy don't speak Russian. Lucy doesn't speak Russian. Tom don't want to be a driver. Tom doesn't want to be a driver.
Pracovní text k hodině Read the text about Lucy This is Lucy. She is 13. She lives with her family in a nice family house. Her mother is Jane. She is a teacher. She teaches English and Czech. Her father is George. He is a computer engineer. Lucy has got one brother. His name is Tom. Tom likes playing football. His favourite team is FC Barcelona. He plays football three times a week. Lucy is quite tall. She has got brown eyes and hair. She is in class 7C. She has got a lot her fiends. Her best friend is Kate. Lucy and Kate go to the sport centre every Monday. They play squash together. Lucy plays the piano too. She is very good at it. Lucy likes reading books. Her favourite book is The Twilight Saga. The book is about normal girl and vapmire. Lucy is good student. Her favourite subjects are English and Czech. She wants to be a doctor. Every weekend Lucy and her family go to visit her granny's. Because their granny's live far away, they must go by car. Her father likes driving. When they arrive to a farm, they help granny and grandpa on the field. They like weekend on the farm, because there is silence. They are there two days. Then they must go home, because they go to work and school on Monday.
KOCIÁNOVÁ, Zdeňka. New English for You 3 - Workbook. Nový Jičín: EDUCI, 2002, ISBN 80- 86381-10-0. KOCIÁNOVÁ, Zdeňka. New English for You 3 - Pupil´s book. Nový Jičín: EDUCI, 2002, ISBN 80- 86381-10-2. Ilustrace : Kliparty Office Všechny uvedené texty jsou dílem autora této hodiny
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