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ZveřejnilŠtěpán Horáček
DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNÍ MATERIÁL Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0124 Název projektu DUM Škola budoucnosti s využitím IT VY_3_INOVACE_ANJ35 Název školy SPŠ a SOŠGS Most PředmětANJ Tematická oblast Gastronomie a restaurační provoz Téma Zdravá výživa - Charakteristika, příklady Zdravá výživa - Charakteristika, příklady Ročník 1, 2, 3, 4 – gastronomie, prodavač, obchodník Jméno autora Ludmila Křížová Datum tvorby 4.6.2013 Anotace Prezentace slouží k výkladu tématu zdravá výživa, charakteristika, příklady, zároveň lze tuto prezentaci využít jako materiálu pro opakování a prověřování znalostí žáků.
Characteristic, Examples
Essential nutrients Vitamins Minerals Water Salt Roughage
Proteins Fats Carbohydrates
Potassium Iodine Iron Sodium Zinc Calcium Magnesium
Biologically valuable food: Fruit, vegetable Lean meat Milk, eggs Energetically valuable food: Desserts Bacon Butcher´s Lard
With a healthy diet it is important what we eat and drink. According to the nutrition circle food is divided into seven groups. Each group contains important materials for human life. Your daily diet is varied and healthy if it contains foods from all seven groups! !
1. Milk and dairy products (calcium and protein) 2. Meat, fish, eggs (protein, fat, minerals and vitamins) 3. Pulse, nuts, potatoes (roughage) 4. Vegetables (vitamins and minerals) 5. Fruit (vitamins and minerals) 6. Bread, cereals, rice, pasta 7. Fats and oils (fatty acid and vitamins)
1. Eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible. 2. Avoid the three „white killers“: white sugar, white flour and salt. 3. Avoid chemicals such as preservatives, artificial colourants and flavourings. 4. Don´t consume loads of crisps, biscuits, chocolate and other junk food. 5. Drink a lot!!! 6. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly.
What does “healthy diet“ mean? What does the food contain? What belongs to the essential nutrients? What minerals do you know? What food is biologically/energetically vailable? How is food divided acording to the nutrition circle? What does each group contain? Can you name some healthy principles?
Can you create your own healthy menu on a week? Tell the rest of class!
Šebelová Marie. Potraviny a výživa-učebnice. Parta, 2002, ISBN 80-7320-010-4 Svobodová, Eva. Angličtina v gastronomii. Praha: Informatorium, 2002, ISBN 80 - 86073-94-7,s.115 mons/thumb/4/41/Rueda_de_los_alimentos.j pg/220px-Rueda_de_los_alimentos.jpg-autor David Lorenzana Obrázky: Galerie Klipart /cit.30.9.2013/, dostupné pod licenci Microsoft Office 2007 na cz/images/
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