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ZveřejnilLuděk Kovář
Digitální učební materiál Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0112 Název projektuModerní škola Název školyStřední hotelová škola, s.r.o., Floriánské nám. 350, Kladno PředmětAnglický jazyk Tematický okruh Zdvořilostní fráze - restaurace Téma Stížnosti hostů Ročník3. Jméno autoraMgr. Dalibor Bartoš Datum tvorby6. 4. 2013 Anotace Učební materiál má pomoci studentům používat vhodné fráze, když si host stěžuje na poskytované služby v restauraci. Střední hotelová škola, s.r.o. Floriánské náměstí 350, 272 01 Kladno
Sorry, this bread is really stale. These vegetables are really tasteless. They have no taste at all. Excuse me. I can´t eat this soup – it is too salty. I´m sorry. I´ll get you some fresh bread. I´m sorry. Can I get you a salad instead? I´m sorry. Would you like to choose another soup?
This wine tastes vinegary. I think it is corked. The TV in my room is broken. Are you the reception manager? One of your staff was very rude to me today. I´m sorry. I´ll speak to the wine waiter who will replace it for you. I´ll ask maintenance to sort it out fou you immediately. I do apologize. I´ll speak to the person concerned.
I´m sorry about the service this evening but we are very……. Could you close the window, please? It´s a bit ……here. I cannot cut my steak with this knife. It´s….. This restaurant is very…..The music si too loud. How can I eat my soup? My soup spoon is……
I´m sorry about the service this evening but we are very busy. Could you close the window, please? It´s a bit draughty here. I cannot cut my steak with this knife. It´s blunt. This restaurant is very noisy. The music si too loud. How can I eat my soup? My soup spoon is missing.
BAUDE, Anne a kol. Ready to Order. Essex: Longman, 2002, ISBN 0582429552. STOTT, Trish. Highly Recommended 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN 9780194574655.
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