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Název školy: ZŠ Klášterec nad Ohří, Krátká 676 Autor: Mgr. Tereza Černá Název materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE_05_16_Past simple x Past continuous Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1115 Anotace: Prezentace pro 2. stupeň základních škol. Slouží jako materiál k procvičení, upevnění a zopakování již probraného učiva pomocí data projektoru či interaktivní tabule. Části prezentace lze použít jako kontrolní test. Čas vymezený na práci s prezentací je 10 - 20 minut, včetně kontroly.
Our Sunday trip: In the morning the alarm clock …………….. (ring) and I …………………. (wake up). It …………… (be) a nice and sunny day. I ………………… (have) breakfast when somebody ……………….. (knock) on the door. It ………….. (be) my friend Tom. „Let´s go on a trip“, he ……………… (say). Few moments later Tom ……………….. (drive) a car when something black ………………… (cross) the road. Fill in the gaps with Past simple x Past continous: rang woke upwas was having knocked was said was driving crossed
We ……………… (stop), but we …………………… (not see) anything. While I …………………….(walk) along the road and ………………………………... (look around), something ……………….. (whine) in the grass. I …………….. (turn) and ……………….(spot) a small puppy which ………………………… (tremble) behind the tree. I …………..…him………. (pick up) and ……………… (start) to talk to him softly. This …………….. (be) the best trip in my life and the same thinks my new dog Toby. stoppeddidn´t see was walking was looking around whined turnedspotted was trembling picked up started was
Past simple x past continuous: What ………she ……………………(wear) when you ……….…(see) her? Her favourite top, I think. We…………………….. (find) the keys we……………………….. (look) for yesterday. I ……………………….. (not, ski) a lot when I ……………………… (live) in Sweden because I ………………….. (not, have) skis. I …………………..…. (study) hard all day because I …………….. (want) to get an A in the test. was wearingsaw foundwere looking wasn´t skiingwas living didn´t have was studying wanted
……………………………….. (you, study) when I …………………… (ring) at the door? I …………….……………. (think) about her when the phone ……………….. (start) ringing? Carin …………………………(run) when the rain …………….. (start) pouring down. I ……………………….…. (learn) for my exam when the wind …………………. (break) the window. My friend …………. (close) my book when I …………………… (read) the story. Were you studyingrang was thinking started was runningstarted was learning broke closedwas reading
POUŽITÁ LITERATURA A CITACE: Obrázky použity ze sady Office Není-li uvedeno jinak je materiál dílem autorky podle učebních osnov odpovídajících ŠVP vyučovaných podle učebnic: HUTCHINSON,T., PELTERET,C.Project 4.Oxford University Press, 2008. ISBN 978-019-476-415-5. MURPHY, R. Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-521-67580-2. PETERS, S., GRÁF, T. Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky. Polygot. 1998. ISBN 80-86195-00-7. Citováno dne 15.1.2012 DUM uložen na-
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